ate and left no crumbs (jinyoung & bambam)

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Written for day 23 of Spanktember 2023. The prompt is "Eager spankee".

Based on the infamous chicken fight, when Jackson thought Jaebeom ate his chicken and  they fought and ended up not speaking to each other for months on end. Only for Bambam to confess during a truth or dare game on one of their tours that he was actually the one to take the chicken. I modified it a bit to fit the story.


Jaebeom was peacefully munching away at a piece of fried chicken that evening, when vengeance in the form of a young, half-dressed Chinese man descended upon him. Jackson's dignity was only protected by a towel he held around his waist and his upper body still glistened with droplets of water from the shower he was taking. He came storming into the living room, grounding to a halt in front of Jaebeom.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Jaebeom froze with the next bite of chicken poised between the plate and his mouth. "I'm...eating?"

That seemed to only make Jackson angrier. "Why on earth would you eat my chicken? Can't you at least ask for my permission before you steal my food?"

Jaebeom blinked in confusion, wondering if Jackson had maybe hit his head in the shower. "I...this is not your chicken? It's my chicken."

"It's my chicken," Jackson parroted in a mocking tone. "Everything is just yours, right? Just one fucking bite, right?"

Jaebeom lowered his hand, giving Jackson a warning look. Whatever reason he had for this outburst, it still didn't mean that Jaebeom had to put up with being sworn at.

"Jackson-ah, you don't need to get so angry about this. This is my chicken, it's not yours. I bought it myself. And don't swear at your hyung."

Jackson threw his hands into the air. "Great, of course you pull the hyung card! Mustn't be disrespectful to the great Lim Jaebeom hyungnim, right? You know how I feel about that!"

"I'm just asking you not to swear at me," Jaebeom countered. He himself was beginning to grow irritated and he pushed the plate of chicken away from him with a scowl. "And for heaven's sake don't start with the old early-line argument again. I'm not in the mood."

"Oh, no, of course not." Jackson jabbed an accusing finger at the chicken. "You're just in the mood to steal my food, right? You're always in the mood for that. Why should I respect you when you clearly don't respect me, hyung?"

"That's enough. Don't dig a hole for yourself that you can't get out of, Wang Jackson. I keep telling you this is not your fucking chicken. I bought it with my own money and I frankly didn't even know that you were having chicken as well."

"I have to stop swearing at you but you swear at me? See, this is exactly what I'm talking about! You always expect us to bow and scrape and respect you but you don't give shit back. You're're a shitty person and a shitty leader and a shitty hyung I can't believe I have to put up with this."

Jackson was breathing heavily, his fists balled next to his sides. He looked like he was ready for a fight, and honestly Jaebeom wasn't far from giving him one. The younger boy's words had pierced straight into his greatest sensitivities, and he had to fight hard against the old impulse to smother any type of negative emotion with an outburst of uncontrolled anger.

"You're one to talk," he snapped back, his voice rising. "You come in here and accuse me of stealing your food as some sort of...some sort of abuse of power and you have zero evidence."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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