tol vs smol (2/2) (jinyoung & yugyeom)

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Unfortunately, or fortunately (he later thought with a cold shudder), Yugyeom never got to kick Bambam.

He managed to grab the smaller boy by the shirtfront and swing one punch at him.

It didn't land.

Mostly because Yugyeom was half-blinded by rage and he couldn't have hit the side of a barn. But also because Mark, who was close, pushed between Yugyeom and Bambam and then someone grabbed the back of Yugyeom's shirt and yanked . His arms windmilled of their own accord, and he expected at any moment to feel the back of his head crashing into the floor. Instead, he crashed straight into a pair of waiting arms.

"Calm down, you little fool," Jinyoung hissed in his ear. Yugyeom struggled against him, still half-intent on going after Bambam and breaking his face, but Jinyoung didn't budge an inch. His arms stayed locked around Yugyeom's torso, keeping his arms pinned to his sides.

"Yah!" That was the dance instructor. Yugyeom stilled with a shock, remembering for the first time exactly where he was. "What the hell is this? Do you think I came here to waste my time?"

"Instructor-nim, we're terribly sorry..." Jaebeom trailed off when the instructor lifted an impatient hand.

"I'm done," the instructor said coldly. "This class is over. Do you think this company hired you to act like thugs? Huh? I'm not wasting my time on your shit."

"Sir..." Jaebeom's voice cracked a little. "Please forgive us, we'll do anything..."

"I said I'm done." The instructor was already shrugging into his jacket. "I'll be telling your manager about this so I suggest you start practicing your apologies."

"Yes, sir," Jaebeom said. "We're sorry, sir."

He bowed, the rest of the group following suit. Yugyeom also found himself bowing, Jinyoung's hand on the back of his neck.

The instructor gave them one last glare and then went out, slamming the door behind him.

Nobody said a word. Yugyeom stared numbly at the floor. He had fucked up. He had fucked up so badly . Jaebeom was going to kill him. That is, if Jinyoung didn't want to do the honours himself. And if he didn't get fired or kicked out of the group which was a real possibility. The company didn't take kindly to any type of hooliganism and there was probably a case to be made that he was bullying Bambam and that was a fool-proof way to get kicked out and blacklisted for good and...

"What in the hell were you two thinking?" Jinyoung asked. He shook Yugyeom a little, because his hand was still very conveniently on the back of Yugyeom's neck, but he was looking at Bambam.


"Don't play innocent," Jaebeom cut in sharply. "I also saw the look you gave Gyeom."

Bambam did his best to maintain his look of startled innocence. "H-hyungs, I..."

Jaebeom took a step forward. Bambam tried to take a step back, but Mark caught him around the waist and dragged the smaller boy to stand in front of him.

"Was it a mistake, Bam-ah?" Jinyoung asked. "Be honest, now."

Bambam's gaze flitted from Jinyoung to Jaebeom, and then finally to Yugyeom. Yugyeom could see the decision in his eyes, and he honestly didn't blame Bambam. He probably would have made the same choice if he was in the other boy's situation. Practice time was absolutely sacred in their group – it had to be. Sure, they fooled around during practice sometimes, but there was a difference between jokes and pranks and deliberate sabotage. Confessing that he had been intentionally messing things up would land Bambam in a world of trouble of his own, regardless of what happened with Yugyeom.

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