the fast and the furious (jaebeom & yugyeom)

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It's rather late when Jinyoung calls. Jaebeom has just finished a late dinner of spicy pork soup and rice and he smiles when he sees the caller ID flashing on his phone – "GOT7's Real Leader".

"Hey, Jinyoung-ah."

"Are you home, hyung?"

Jaebeom frowns a little at Jinyoung's tone. He doesn't sound angry, not exactly, but he definitely sounds something, and a something that isn't entirely pleasant.

"Yes? Is something the matter?"

"Yugyeom and I will be there in a few minutes." Jinyoung takes a breath. "He needs to tell you something."

"Needs?" Jaebeom's frown deepens. "He's in trouble?"

"He will be once you hear what he's been up to," Jinyoung says darkly. "See you in a minute, hyung."

Jaebeom makes quick work of cleaning up the plastic bowls, cutlery and bag that his dinner had been delivered in. Then he fills the kettle and puts it on, sighing a little. Tea will be needed, sometime before, during or after the conversation. Checking in the cupboard, he sees that there's still some of the sweet matcha latte packets that Yugyeom favours. Jinyoung prefers black tea, like he does.

His doorbell rings about five minutes later. Jinyoung doesn't have his key then, which means that he left his house in a hurry, or initially without the intention of bringing Yugyeom to Jaebeom. Neither of those options bode well, Jaebeom decides as he pads to the door. Either way, it promises an unpleasant conversation with his maknae.

Jinyoung gives him a sober look from behind his glasses when he opens the door. Yugyeom, standing a little distance behind him and doing his best to look unbothered, meets Jaebeom's eyes only fleetingly. Then he looks away, sulky beneath his black cap.

"Hi." Jaebeom holds the door open, stepping aside.

"Hi, hyung," Jinyoung says. He steps forward, but Yugyeom stays where he is, the sulky look growing deeper by the second. Jinyoung looks back at him. His face darkens in an alarming manner. He reaches out and grabs Yugyeom's neck, propelling him past Jaebeom into the apartment.

Jaebeom shuts the door quietly behind them, wincing a little. It looks like unpleasant will be an understatement.

Yugyeom looks like he really, really wants to swear, when Jinyoung lets go of him in the sitting room with a little shove in the direction of the couch. To his credit, he doesn't.

Tea? Jaebeom asks when his and Jinyoung's eyes meet.


Jinyoung sits down on one of the armchairs, silently prompting Jaebeom to do the same.

Yugyeom remains standing however, still glowering, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Let's just get it over with," Jinyoung says.

"I'd much rather not."

"It wasn't a request."

The tension in the room is almost palpable.

"Just sit down, Yugyeom-ah," Jaebeom says. "Tell hyung what's going on, mm?"

"What's going on," and Yugyeom fairly spits the words, "is that Jinyoung-hyung is being an overbearing asshole."

Jinyoung gives a cynical smile. "Maybe I am. Why don't you tell hyung what's going on and let him decide for himself?"

Yugyeom scowls.

"Sit down, Gyeom-ah," Jaebeom says. "And tell me what you did."

Yugyeom sits this time, albeit reluctantly.

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