while the cat is away (jackson & youngjae)

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Jackson didn't quite know who decided that it was a good idea to leave him to look after the kids alone.

Mostly it was just an unfortunate coincidence, he supposed. The vocal line had a tight schedule in the recording studio on the same day that Mark had to go to the embassy. Which wouldn't have been a problem, if it wasn't for the fact that the maknae line was only just recovering from a bad cold. That meant that Yugyeom and Youngjae couldn't record, which meant that Jackson was left at the dorm not just looking after Bambam, but after the entirety of the maknae line. Who, as mentioned, was just recovering from a cold that had kept them in bed for three days.

"Can we go have a snowball fight, hyung?" Yugyeom asked, the moment the front door clicked shut behind Jaebeom and Jinyoung.

Jackson shook his head slowly, his ears still ringing from the last few concerned instructions that Jinyoung had shouted from the elevator, mostly to do with making sure that Yugyeom kept his neck wrapped well. Eomma extraordinaire.

"Can we, hyung?" Youngjae asked as well. "Please, we've been inside for literal years."

"A snowball fight?" Jackson lifted his eyebrows. Leave it to the maknaes to yearn for strenuous activity in the icy cold, a mere day since the three of them had still been in bed with a nasty flu. "Didn't you hear Jinyoung's whole bit about you staying warm at all costs? Absolutely not."

"Hyunggg," Bambam gave him a pleading look. "We'll wrap ourselves really well and we'll only stay out for a little bit."

"Yeah, we'll even put on coats," Yugyeom said, yelping as Bambam pinched his thigh.

"We'll put on two coats," Bambam said. "Come on, Jackson-hyung, we're going stir crazy. And there's snow! It's the first snow of the winter, please, hyung."

"Nah-uh." Jackson shook his head firmly. He was rather proud of himself for remaining firm, even against the three pairs of adorable puppy eyes that were focused on him. Even Jaebeom was known to fold sometimes, especially when Youngjae was added in the mix. "You're not playing in the snow. There's plenty of things for you to do inside, okay? Watch some TV, or play a video game. Or read."

"That's boring." Youngjae pouted, slouching down on the couch where he was sitting.

"But also warm," Jackson shot him a grin. "Here's the remote, Gyeom, find something for you guys to watch. I'm going to do some laundry. You can always help me with that if you're looking for something to do."

Yugyeom took the remote, hastily switching on the TV.

Jackson chuckled a little as he went into the bathroom and began to sort through the overflowing laundry basket. Of course the brats would choose watching TV, 'boring' as it may be, over chores. He didn't blame them. No one in their right mind would willingly volunteer to spend a morning getting intimately acquainted with a mountain of sweaty clothes. He didn't pause to consider what that might indicate about his own state of mind.

When he came out into the hallway again, the first bundle of darks balanced on his hip, he could hear the cheery theme song of some daytime sitcom sounding through the living room. He was just outside the doorway when the theme song ended, and he could make out some of the low conversation that was happening inside.

"...really wanted to do something," Yugyeom was saying.

"We could still go."

There was a moment of silence following Youngjae's offhanded statement.

"We'll get in trouble," Bambam said. "Hyung said no."

"It's only Jackson," Youngjae said with a scoff. "What's he going to do?"

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