the more things change (jinyoung & jaebeom)

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One Saturday evening, Jinyoung sent him a picture of kimchi. A small tub full of the stuff, neatly packed into double plastic bags. From the background, it looked like it was on the backseat of Jinyoung's car.

Mom specifically told me to give you extra. Why do you have to be her favourite??

Jaebeom sent a small sticker of a cartoon cat sticking out its tongue in reply.

Jinyoung sent one rolling its eyes back. I have the weekend off. You home?

In about an hour. But you know the code, right?

Right. I'm also borrowing some of your Kang Han books.

You are?


Jaebeom sent a raccoon with flames coming out of its eyes, but Jinyoung had already closed the app or put away his phone. He didn't read the message.

Cheered by the possibility of seeing Jinyoung, Jaebeom settled down to finish the tasks that he had left for the evening. He worked quickly, and it was only about 20 minutes later when he shut down the studio equipment for the night.

Jinyoung's car was in the parking lot when Jaebeom got to his apartment building. He couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips as he jogged up the few flights of stairs to his landing. He and Jinyoung didn't get to see each other often, these days. Even if it was just a few minutes, he looked forward to seeing a living breathing Jinyoung, not just a face through a screen.

He punched in the code at his door.

"Hello! Are you still here, Jinyoung-ah?"

There was no answering shout from inside the flat. Jaebeom shut the door behind him and toed off his shoes, frowning.


On the threshold leading into the living room he shocked to a standstill.

Jinyoung was sitting on his couch. He had his arms folded over his chest, simply exuding Pissed Off Hyung. He wasn't Jaebeom's hyung, of course, but it didn't matter to Jaebeom's stomach. It made a wild leap and settled somewhere close to his Adam's apple in a particularly uncomfortable spot.

Jaebeom gaped at Jinyoung. Jinyoung glared back. Then, pointedly, he looked down at the coffee table.

Jaebeom had been so caught up by Jinyoung's evident anger that he hadn't even noticed the objects on the table. He looked, and what he saw made his stomach do another unpleasant acrobatic movement.

There were three things.

One - a small clear plastic baggie filled with white powder.

Two - Jinyoung's cellphone.

Three - a crudely carved wooden stick, about three quarters of a meter long. It had been brought from Jinhae (on recommendation of that same gentle matriarch who liked to send them kimchi) many years ago and had taken up permanent residence on top of one of the cupboards in their old dorm's living room. Jaebeom vaguely remembered a drunken Bambam once trying to bribe him into burning it. He cursed himself now for not agreeing immediately.

Jaebeom gulped, trying to school his face into something that less resembled a frightened bunny. "What's this?"

"That's my line." Jinyoung pointed a long, accusatory finger at the little bag of powder. "What's this ? Is it what I think it is?"

Jaebeom considered lying for one split-second. Then he pushed the idea away. He owed Jinyoung the truth, at the very least.


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