marshmallow, adj., used to describe lim jaebeom's heart (jaebeom & jinyoung)

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Written for day 16 of Spanktember 2023. I used an alternative prompt "This hurts me more than it hurts you".


It takes Jaebeom and Jinyoung approximately two days of practicing together as JJ Project to confirm, beyond all doubt, that they hate each others' guts.

They have, of course, disliked each other from the moment, three years ago, when they stood next to each other and were proclaimed the winners of JYPE's open audition. Jinyoung won because he had practiced hard. Jaebeom won because it looked like he was having a good time. That's what JYP told them, at least.

Jaebeom thought Jinyoung was a flighty little brat, full of self-righteous and self-centered ideas, too arrogant in his own abilities. It seemed like he couldn't ever manage to stay an extra hour or three in the practice room without proclaiming the virtue of it to the entire trainee dorm.

Jinyoung, in turn, thought that Jaebeom was a lazy, rebellious delinquent, and that it was entirely unfair that he managed to always end up in the top three at the monthly evaluations, often stealing the top spot, despite never seeming to practice very hard. Jaebeom always gave the impression that he did what he was told not because he was obedient, but because the company was lucky enough that their instructions aligned with what Jaebeom was planning to do anyways. It frustrated Jinyoung to no end, because he could see it clear as day, yet Jaebeom never got in trouble for it because no-one else seemed to notice.

They managed to get along, however, their dislike for each other diluted by being in a whole group of trainees. They even worked together with great efficiency, that one time Yugyeom, who was the biggest kid with the softest heart either of them had ever met, got bullied by a foreign trainee.

But there is no diluting agent around once JJ Project gets formed. It's just Jinyoung, Jaebeom and the not so insignificant fact that they can hardly get through a dance practice without wanting to murder one another.

Jaebeom has never been good at learning things quickly. Once he gets something he really gets it, but it takes him time to get there. It's just how his brain works.

Jinyoung, in contrast, absorbs things like a sponge. He knows the steps almost before the choreographer has finished teaching them, if such a thing is possible.

"You missed the steps again," he tells Jaebeom, when they're left alone to practice the dance. "Aren't you concentrating, hyung? We learnt the steps yesterday already."

Jaebeom does his best not to bristle. "I'll get it in a minute. Can we go from the third 8-count?"


He's pretty sure that Jinyoung rolls his eyes at him, as they turn away from each other. And Jaebeom's really not sure what to do about it if Jinyoung is. He has no younger siblings and the younger boys at school and at the company has never made it necessary for him to really play the hyung card, maybe intimidated by the rumours of his hot temper. And where there has been fights or disagreements or issues with respect, other hyungs has always been around to lay down the law. It has never been just him as the ultimate authority for an unruly dongsaeng.

They run it through another four times, by which time Jaebeom is pretty comfortable with all the footwork. Which is not enough for Jinyoung, of course.

"Your arms are flailing around like noodles, hyung," Jinyoung says snidely. "How do you still not know the moves?"

"I'm trying, if you haven't noticed," Jaebeom says.

"We'll be here until Judgment Day, at this rate."

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