wang gae park gae and the protruding chin of doom (jaebeom & 94z)

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The clock was already inching its way towards 2AM when Jaebeom finally heard whispering in the hallway. He immediately switched off the TV, straining to distinguish familiarity in the quiet footsteps and the muffled whispers.

He had tried calling Jinyoung first, around midnight when realised that he had no idea where the 94 liners were. The movie that they had gone to see had ended more than an hour prior. Jinyoung's phone had gone directly to voicemail.

Calling Jackson had only resulted in a buzzing sound, originating from behind the closed door of his and Mark's room. Jaebeom had ended the call quickly, not wanting to wake up his age mate. Mark and the maknae line had gone to bed early, taking advantage of the rare lack of schedules for the evening. Jaebeom had wanted to join them. But he couldn't quite fall asleep while everybody wasn't at home. And after his realisation that Jinyoung and Jackson's movie was long finished and that there was still no sign of them, sleep had become the farthest thing from his mind.

He hoped that the sounds in the hallway were Jinyoung and Jackson. In this past two hours, his mind had run through every scenario from kidnapping to drugs to the two of them lying murdered in some back alley. He needed it to be his two eldest dongsaengs, safe and sound.

The keypad beeped. First one familiar head and then another were etched against the hallway light as they slipped through the door.

Relief flooded Jaebeom like a wave. It was followed, almost immediately, by a wave of anger. The force of it made his jaw hurt. He got up and silently moved over to the light-switch on the wall.

Someone stumbled over a row of shoes in the vestibule. Jackson giggled and Jinyoung sushed him urgently.

"Everyone's asleep, you idiot."

"Not true," Jaebeom said and switched on the light.

Jackson screamed. Jinyoung swore. In the sudden light that flooded the room, they blinked at Jaebeom like two deers caught in the headlights. Jackson was clutching Jinyoung's arm, while Jinyoung held one of his sneakers in front of him like a shield.

"Hi, hyung," Jackson said weakly.

"Don't 'hi, hyung' me, Wang Jackson. Where in the hell were you two? I was worried sick."

Jinyoung seemed to realise that he was still holding the shoe. He put it down, neatly next to the other, and then straightened up, giving Jaebeom a wary look.

"We went to the movies."

"Yah, Park Jinyoung. Don't make this worse for yourself. You want me to believe that the movie was five hours long? Do you even know what time it is right now?"

Jackson winced, but Jinyoung's expression was beginning to look decidedly stubborn.

"We did go to the movies!"

Jaebeom took a step forward, clenching his jaw. Jinyoung gulped and took one back, eyes widening.

"We, uh, we didn't come home directly afterwards?"

"Where did you go then?"

Jinyoung and Jackson shared a look.

"We may have gone to a party?" Jackson said, his voice about half an octave higher than normal.

" A party ?"

"But only a very small one, hyung." Jackson demonstrated just how tiny it was with his hands. "Barely even a party, if you look at it objectively."

"Stop screwing around. Tell me exactly what happened." The boys winced at his growl and Jaebeom took a deep breath. He went to the couch and sat down again, crossing his arms over his chest. Then he gave the two 94z an expectant look.

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