19 - good morning

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good morning 

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good morning 

Izzy rolled over on the bed, trying to ignore the smell of food and sleep some more. Her head was pounding and every little thing she heard come from the kitchen was making it worse. She threw the blanket over her head, trying to minimize the noises while cursing Robin and Seungmin out in her head.

Then she realized it.

It wasn't her bed that she was sleeping in. It wasn't her blanket that she was cuddling to so much. It wasn't her room at all. And the two people making the mess in the kitchen - or what she assumed was the kitchen because of the delicious smell - weren't Robin and Seungmin.

She quickly sat up, trying to look around the room. Maybe wanting to make out with someone wasn't the best idea. Especially when she had no idea who's room she ended up in.

Somehow, she remembered everything that happened. She remembered getting to her dorm first but not having the keys, then someone carrying her here, and then throwing up while bickering with the other person. 

But for god's sake she couldn't remember who it was that took her here.

She looked around the room, trying to figure out who was living here before standing up. She was sure it wasn't anyone who she was close to as she didn't recognize the room, which only left more questions. Why would anyone who wasn't her friend bring her to their dorm?

The brunette quickly fixed her dress and hair, walking out of the room. At least there was one positive thing about the situation, she still had all of her clothes on.

She sighed as the light in the common room almost blinded her. The room she was in before was definitely darker. "Can you pull down the curtains?" She whined, her eyes shut.

The taller male scoffed, watching his best friend run to the window to do as she asked for. "Good morning to you too, darling," he chuckled. "Did you throw up again after I left you alone in the room?" He asked, trying to keep his tone of voice still so she wouldn't know how worried he actually was.

Fortunately for him, her head was hurting too much for her to notice that. And even if she was completely sober, she probably wouldn't notice. She was too blinded by the fact he was her rival for that.

"Shut up, dickhead," she muttered, walking over the empty chair next to him. "Why am I here? Did Felix bring me here?" She asked, glancing at the boy.

"Oh, no, I didn't," he shook his head, walking back to the kitchen to finish the scrambled eggs for her. "Hyunjin did."

Izzy glanced at the boy next to her confusedly. Why would he bring her here? "Stop looking at me like that," Hyunjin said, making her come back to reality. "We're still not friends."

"I bet you want us to be though," she rolled her eyes at him.

"Right," he scoffed, opening his phone so he could ignore her. Or at least act like he was ignoring her, while carefully listening to everything she had to say.

Felix, who was watching them, chuckled, shaking his head at them. "Here, have this," he proclaimed, placing down a plate of scrambled eggs and water in front of her. "And stop making out with girls at parties, it's making him jealous," he whispered, making sure Hyunjin wouldn't hear him.

"What?" She asked confusedly, again. The two of them were leaving too many questions on her mind and it was only the morning. Unfortunately for her, Felix was already leaving the kitchen, smiling, happy with himself and his matchmaker abilities.

"Who did I make out with?" She turned to Hyunjin. "And who is jealous because of that?"

Fucking Felix, Hyunjin sighed, glancing at her. "You made out with Bora," he answered, trying to make it look like he had no interest in talking to her, again.

"Oh really? Damn, lucky me," she chuckled. "She is hot as fuck."

"Mhm," Hyunjin mumbled, glancing at his phone again. He definitely didn't need to listen to her telling him how pretty other people were. "When did I ask exactly?"

Izzy rolled her eyes at him, starting to eat her food. "Right, I forgot you are the prince and you don't give a fuck about others for a second, sorry," she said ironically. "You're probably just jealous because you didn't get to make out with the girl you like."

Ah, she guessed it perfectly, he sighed quietly, not saying anything to it. If he was honest, he wasn't sure why he was acting this way either, but he refused to accept that she could be right. There was no way he would like her, right? She hated him, she was the complete opposite of him, and she was a class E student. So why would he like her?

Because she was smart? Because of how easy he felt next to her? Because she was the only girl that seemed to not show any interest in him for the first time in a while? Or maybe it could be because of how pretty she was in his eyes.

Maybe there were a lot more reasons why he would like her than he thought. And maybe he did like her. Maybe... 

No, he shook his head immediately, getting the thought out of his mind. But it was impossible. His mind was full of her no matter if he wanted it or not. She was all he could think about. 

Izzy—hiii! It's been a while since I updated this haha, almost two weeks

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hiii! It's been a while since I updated this haha, almost two weeks. But I am here now and things are moving again. Hyunjin is having some thoughts and Izzy is completely clueless about it. Good thing Felix is there too to help them hehe. 

While I didn't updated this I managed to finish "youtiful" and uploaded a new Seungmin fic "silent cry" so you should check that out if you haven't yet <3 

Next chapter coming soon 
20 - hangover 

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