07 - crush

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"I completely forgot about time," Izzy blurted out, quickly getting up. "I have to go, I'll see you guys around later!" She called at them and before they could even realize it, she was gone.

"That was weird," Christopher commented with a chuckle.

"I am worried that that was completely normal for her," Robin laughed, making Seungmin laugh too. "I am going to go too though."

"What do you have so urgent?" Minho scoffed, drinking his sprite.

"Just shut up dude," Robin commented, ignoring anything dumb he could say afterwards. "Dinner will be at 7. If you come late you get nothing," Robin said towards Seungmin, getting up so she could leave too.

"She is so cool," Jisung mumbled, watching the girl leave the dorm.

That obviously caught the attention of all of his friends. "You have a crush on Robin? Oh god."

"I never said I have a crush!" Jisung protested. "But I am positive she is the love of my life," he added, only making Seungmin sigh.

Robin finally got back to her dorm when she noticed three girls walking towards her. Their dorm was a few rooms away from hers so it wasn't anything weird. "Hey guys!" Robin smiled, waving at them as she opened the dorm door.

"Robin!" Riley exclaimed with a big smile, making Robin chuckle. "What are you up to right now?"

Robin looked at Riley and Laska and then on Bora next to them. Izzy was right, she was definitely pretty. She wouldn't be surprised if every guy was obsessed with her within the next week. "I am dying my hair."

"What? Really?" Laska asked as they got closer to her.

Robin nodded, "I am going to have purple hair," she laughed.

"I wanna help!" Riley proclaimed right away. Robin laughed again.

Laska on the other hand wasn't laughing at all, already scared for Robin's hair if Riley was going to help. "You'll ruin her hair if you help."

"I can see that happening," Bora chuckled.

Riley turned to her two roommates, hands on her hip. "Rude! I am very skilled, you know."

"I doubt that," Robin laughed. "But if you guys want to, you can come in and we can talk while I dye my hair."

"Even you Bora," she added quickly. "That's your name, right? People are already talking about you," she laughed, trying to come out as friendly.

"Nice to meet you," She black haired female smiled. "Oh yeah, I almost killed someone in my last school, right?" She laughed at the absurd rumors they have been going around school. "And I also heard I abused my last boyfriend and that's why he broke up with me."

Robin suddenly looked at the girl differently. As if she felt pity for her. This school sucked and Robin knew that already, but Bora was here barely a day and already had everyone talking shit about her.

"Damn," Riley muttered. "And I already thought you were a good person," she laughed, easing the situation.

Bora laughed too, shaking her head. "I am used to it. Apparently boxing as a girl brings you this kind of reputation."

Robin smiled, seeing how she made fun of it instead of taking it to heart. "I am Robin by the way. Robin Choi."

"Bora Sin," the girl responded with a smile.

"Come on in," Robin proclaimed, not taking a no as an answer. She moved to the side, making there space for them all to come in.

She closed the door behind them, letting them go sit down.

"Who are you rooming with?" Laska asked curiously, looking around. It was definitely something else from how their or her brother's dorm looked like.

"Seungmin and Izzy, first years." She answered, making Riley excited again.

"You're with Izzy?? Lucky!" Robin laughed even though she had no idea what was going on in Riley's head. "Nothing against you girls, but I wanted to talk to Izzy since I first met her."

"Is that the girl Hyunjin was talking about before?" Laska asked, laughing when she realized it must be. "Of course she is," she shook her head. "She is getting on his nerves a lot."

Robin laughed too, "I bet she does."

"She is so cool for that though!" Riley laughed. "I wanna be able to piss him off like she does."

"You guys are so weird," Bora laughed, watching the three of them.

"You know what's weirder?" Robin started, getting the attention of all of them. "Laska is texting Felix during classes," she smirked at the brunette, catching her off guard.

"I said she was definitely texting someone!" Riley exclaimed. "And you denied it!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Laska mumbled, avoiding eye contact with all three of them.

"Of course you don't," Riley rolled her eyes.

Astran was sitting in the school library, going through his notes to prepare for the upcoming test. However, focusing was almost impossible when everyone around him was either talking about the graffiti Izzy and her friends did today or about Hyunjin.

Both of these things pissed them off. Astran sighed, closing his book to give himself a little break.

"He was so hot when he was in the window," some girl on the other side of the table said towards her friends, making Astran frown.

"I know! I wish he was talking to me!"

"Stupid princesses," he muttered annoyingly, getting some weird looks from the girls.

They knew he was talking about them, it was obvious. Especially when the girls in Hyunjin's fan club were known under the nickname princesses. Something they came up with on their own. And also something he will forever be weirded out with.

The girls rolled their eyes, ignoring his presence as they went back to talking about Hyunjin.

Astran didn't know him that much, but still had a strong hate feeling towards Hyunjin. It wasn't really anything he did, but at the same time it was. He hated how easily Hyunjin got on the top, not even trying, while Astran had to work his ass off to make everyone happy with his grades.

Astran sighed, taking his books so he could leave the library and go study to his dorm instead. 

Izzy—I love Bora sm <3 Also Jisung who obviously doesn't have a crush on the girl he is staring at whenever he sees her lmao 

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I love Bora sm <3 Also Jisung who obviously doesn't have a crush on the girl he is staring at whenever he sees her lmao 

Next chapter coming soon 
08 - art lesson 

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