04 - new girl

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new girl 

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new girl 

The three of them made it to the café right next to the school, already seeing a bunch of kids from school inside.

Izzy walked in first, waving at the barista with a smile. The pink head smiled right away, waving at the three of them as she took an order from the customer in front of her.

"I'll order. The usual, right?" Izzy said, looking at her two friends as they picked a table.

"Yes, please," Robin smiled, sitting down. Izzy nodded, leaving the table to join the line.

Once it was finally her turn, the pink haired barista sighed, leaning her hands on the bar.

"The usual?" Jisoo asked once she straightened her back again.

"Yeah," Izzy nodded. "Wait, actually," she stopped her. "Do my drink twice, please. Seungmin needs it."

Jisoo raised her eyebrow, turning to the male she hasn't seen since last semester. "What happened?" She asked curiously.

"He got a crush," Izzy explained.

"Damn, a pretty one?"

"Hana Cheong," Izzy responded, Jisoo glancing from Seungmin on Izzy.

"Extremely pretty one!" She said, mouth wide open. She chuckled afterwards, writing down the order. "I am not surprised it's her. I'll join you once it's calmer here, okay?" Izzy nodded with a smile, giving Jisoo money for their coffee before going back to their table.

"You're a simp, you know that?" Robin scoffed as Izzy was sitting down. She looked at her two friends confusedly before she realized Robin wasn't talking to her, but to Seungmin.

Seungmin rolled his eyes, looking at Izzy now. "I just want to know if you have her number or social," he explained to Izzy, making her chuckle.

"Robin is right, you're down bad."

"Oh, really now? Should I remind you how obsessed you were with her last semester?" He raised his eyebrow, looking at Izzy. "And you, Robs, you were drooling over Minho in your first year so much you wouldn't shut up about it the whole last semester!"

"Hey, hey, don't bring out my past crushes!" Robin exclaimed right away.

"You two are so pathetic," he mumbled. "I need Jisoo to be on my side," he added, looking at the pink head behind the bar, who was preparing their order. 

"Oh my god, I totally forgot about it before. There is a new girl in our school. Class B," Robin started, making Izzy put down her phone. "She got put into dorm with Riley and Alaska,"

"Did I just hear a new girl?" Jisoo questioned as she walked to the table, bringing the three of them their coffee.

"Hyunjin's sister Alaska?" Seungmin asked, taking his coffee from Jisoo.

Robin nodded, "I heard she got kicked out of her last school for beating up someone. Who knows if it's true though."

"A psychopath? What's her name?" Jisoo asked, sitting down next to Robin and Izzy.

"How was it..." she mumbled, trying to remember. "Bora something. No idea what her surname is." Robin said, Izzy taking her phone right away.

"That's enough to find her," she said, already looking up Alaska's instagram to see if she follows her.

"Got her!" Izzy said suddenly, making them all put down their phones. "Bora Sin," she introduced the girl, looking at her pictures on her phone. "She is hot. Like hot hot." She said, mouth wide open.  

"Oh please, you find every girl hot," Jisoo laughed, moving closer to Izzy to see her. "Wow, damn."

"Of course I do, women are hot. You're hot," Izzy winked at her friend. Jisoo chuckled, still smiling though. "And on top of that you make me my favorite coffee, there's nothing more I could wish for."

"Stop flirting," Seungmin said, taking Izzy's phone away from her to be able to look too. "Never mind."

"What? Are you simping for her instead now?" Robin laughed, making the two girls at the table laugh too.

"Right, you and Hana. Izzy mentioned something before, but I still need the tea," Jisoo said, smirking.

"What exactly do you expect me to say?" Seungmin asked. "I have been crushing on a lesbian girl since lunch," he said casually, making Izzy laugh again.

"She is actually bisexual," Jisoo corrected him, showing him that he still has a chance.

"How are you so sure? Izzy mentioned before that she only ever dated girls."

"I know a thing or a few," she responded with a chuckle. "I am her roommate."

"What?!?" Seungmin exclaimed confusedly. "No, you guys have been pranking me the whole first semester, haven't you? How is it possible that you are all somehow connected to her but I knew nothing about it??" He turned to Robin. "Don't tell me you also knew her somehow."

"Well," Robin started, holding back laughter. "I've been in class with her sister whenever I was in C, but we never talked. Hana doesn't know me." 

Seungmin sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He wasn't even surprised anymore. Everyone knew everyone except for him. He apparently knew no one.

"Of course you know her sister," he said ironically, making all of them laugh again. "Oh shut up, just finally give me her instagram if you all know her so well," he mumbled, obviously already pissed at the girls. He needed more male friends.

"Should I let her know you exist when I get back to the dorms?" Jisoo asked.

"See? This is how you two should react too," He said towards his two roommates.

"In your dreams. I am not feeding your delusion. You have Jisoo for that," Izzy answered, taking back her phone. "You should be glad you have a best friend like me."

He scoffed, "you're the worst."

"I love you too," Izzy grinned, scrolling through Bora's pictures again.

"I originally wanted to ask you two why you don't just date," Robin started, looking at the two girls. "But at this point, Izzy should just get with Seungmin."

"No, ew," they both said at the same time, looking at each other, laughing afterwards. "Platonic soulmates," Izzy said, going for a high five with him. 

Izzy—  I am literally in love with every character mentioned in this chapter

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I am literally in love with every character mentioned in this chapter. 

I love the relationship between Izzy and Seungmin so much that they just write themself. It's not the first time I am saying this because it's just the truth. Them being platonic soulmates is actually my favorite thing in the whole word right now. 

Next chapter coming soon 
05 - hair dye 

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