14 - matchmakers

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The group started chatting soon after. While Robin and Amy started discussing their yesterday's game, and Seungmin and Hana got into a chat about what she is currently learning, Izzy took out her phone, just scrolling through social media.

While Izzy was bored, waiting for her food, or maybe the prince's arrival, Seungmin was finally getting into a conversation with Hana. Even when he was in class E he was still smart. Menace, prankster, but still smart. That's why he didn't mind just listening to her talk about her school project. She looked so interested in the topic, it only made him want to know more.

He also didn't forget to tell her some jokes whenever she stopped talking, making sure the mood wouldn't get ruined. He wanted to make her laugh, or just smile even, and it was working. She laughed at every joke he said.

"Okay, Ams, why am I here?" A male voice, they all knew very well, spoke up, making everyone look his way. "Of course you're here too," he scoffed, shaking his head. He didn't even question anything anymore, and just sat beside the brunette that seemed to hate him so much.

"Great," she rolled her eyes, moving closer to Seungmin so her leg wouldn't be touching his knee anymore. "You know you don't need to be sitting that close to me, right?" She teased him, only making him scoff again.

"Get over yourself a little, darling," he whispered into her ear, making her frown. She placed both of her hands on his right arm, moving him more to the side. He chuckled, shaking his head. "I still don't know why I am here," he looked towards Amy.

"You know I am only doing what's best for you," she winked at him, making him scoff.

"You only do what benefits you," he proclaimed. Amy shrugged. He was right, they both knew it, but this time, it really had nothing to do with her. This wasn't going to help her anyhow. But it was going to help Hana. And if she needed to bring Hyunjin along just so Robin would agree to this meet up and Seungmin and Hana could finally properly talk, she would do it without hesitation.

"Don't make her look like a selfish brat when you're literally right here," Izzy interrupted them. "You can just leave, we don't need you here."

"Oh don't worry, darling, I am staying," he winked at her, making her frown in disgust. She rolled her eyes, turning on the other side to join Hana's and Seungmin's conversation.

Right before she could speak though, Amy kicked her under the table, shaking her head to show her to not do so. Izzy noticed Hana smiling at Seungmin's joke and didn't need to know more. She just looked Robin's way, joining hers and Amy's conversation instead. 

"That looks tasty," Hyunjin commented, watching Izzy's dish.

She nodded slightly, "it is." Before she could even react, she found his chopsticks in her food and he took a bite.

"Ah, tastes great," he nodded, his mouth still full of food. "Approved," he said, making her take a deep breath as she tried to ignore him. She wasn't going to lie, it was hard with Robin and Amy laughing on the other side of the table.

Seungmin next to her was also laughing, but she didn't pay much attention to him as whatever that made him laugh had probably nothing to do with her but was Hana's doing.

"Hwang, I swear to god," she started, taking a deep breath again. She closed her eyes, calming herself down and went back to eating her lunch, ignoring whatever remarks Hyunjin or Robin could possibly have.

"Have you heard the new song from 3racha already? I think it was really well written," Hana commented, eating her food while still talking to Seungmin.

"Yeah, I agree," he nodded. "Jisung made me listen to it like five times in a row so maybe I would like it even better if I only heard it once," he laughed, making her chuckle too.

"I really like your smile," she mumbled. When she realized she said it out loud she started waving her hands in the air, trying to gesture something, saying she didn't mean it like that. That only made Seungmin laugh more.

He was hiding his face behind his hand, embarrassed but happy at the same time. "I love your smile," he told her, watching her hide her face in her hands too. "And I mean it exactly like it sounds," he added and Hana's cheeks turned as red as a tomato.

"Ahh," she whined, making Seungmin shake his head at her cuteness. "Thank you."

"Hana," she looked up at him, still as red as possible, questioning what he wanted to say. It could have been just some of his stupid jokes, but she didn't care. She was invested in whatever he wanted to say. "Do you want to, I don't know, hang out later? Without," he quickly glanced at the four others at the table and then back at Hana. "them?"

"I-" Hana started, not sure what to answer. She definitely didn't expect that question from him, but she couldn't lie, it made her happy. She was happy someone like him wanted to hang out with her, but at the same time she was scared. Scared that she might fuck it up. "Yeah," she nodded quietly. "I'd like that," she added.

Seungmin smiled right away. There was no way anything could make him happier at the moment. His crush - that he had for a day, how lucky does he have to be to pull her in such a short time? - agreed to hang out with him alone.

"That's a deal then," he grinned, finally starting to eat his food too. 

Izzy—Seungmin and Hana <33 

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Seungmin and Hana <33 

Next chapter coming soon 
15 - friday night 

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