00 - new semester

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new semester 

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new semester 

"Babes, I am back!" the brown haired girl yelled with a smile as she closed the dorm door behind her. She was pretty sure other students heard her too unless they had headphones on.

With suitcases in her hands she turned around, seeing a head peek out of one of the two rooms. She smiled immediately seeing her best friend. She left her stuff at the door and rushed to him, hugging him as soon as she could.

The male smiled too, wrapping his hands around her waist. He was taller than her, there was no say in that, but now that they were standing next to each other again, he felt like a giant.

"This color suits you," Isabel smiled with her teeth, messing up his hair. His light brown hair, almost orange looking, were everywhere but where they should be. Izzy laughed, seeing him try to make them work again.

"Are you still with me in class?" Seungmin asked, pointing at her phone with his eyes, hinting that she should look into the app. He knew very well how she scored on the last exams and was pretty sure that if she didn't do the stupid pranks with him and Robin she would be in class A again. 

Oh who was he kidding, the pranks weren't stupid, but amazing.

"Probably," she said, taking out her phone. "I know dorms are assigned for the whole year but I doubt they would leave a possibly smart student with you two," she giggled, showing him her score. "Still class E and I am very proud of it," she grinned.

The school system was pretty easy; do well on your tests and don't get yourself in trouble.

Izzy however, could only fulfil one of those, because no matter how well she did on her tests, she lost all of her points soon after by, indeed, getting herself in trouble.

And she wasn't the only one. If Seungmin wanted and stuck to the rules he would probably be in class C and the same goes to their other roommate; Robin. 

Robin was actually really smart. There was no real need for her to study in order to pass her tests, but just as these two she always ended up back in class E thanks to all the problems she brings on herself.

One time, Robin was actually in a different class. She spent her whole first year moving between class B and C. However, in her last semester, she gave up, letting her inner demon take over.

At first it was almost nothing and at the beginning of second year she got put into class C again. 

After that, for the first time, the school decided to move students into a different class during the semester.

When she got put into a dorm with two first years, each of them being in a different class, she started to get more into trouble. And so did they.

During her first semester Izzy was put into class A thanks to her excellent score on her entrance tests. Soon after she started rebelling, losing every point she could, getting the score of an E student.

Because of that, the school principal decided it was time to change their classes.

He moved Izzy, Robin and Seungmin to class E within the next day.

That way, the original A student and two C students ended up in class E, becoming the school's famous troublemakers.

The door opened once again, making both of them turn around to see the brunette walk in, suitcases in her hands. "Robin!" Izzy called at her with a smile, causing the girl to look up, smiling at her two roommates. "It's been so long," Izzy said, walking to her to help her out.

Seungmin walked to them too, closing the door behind them. "You came last, you're preparing a dinner for us," he commented, making Robin stop.

"Hell no, do your own dinner!"

"Robs, you know I can't cook a shit," Izzy said, definitely on Seungmin's side. Seungmin smiled and walked to Izzy, placing his arm on her shoulder, titling his head so he would be touching hers. 

They were the duo she could never say no to.

"Fine," she sighed. "But you two are buying me lunch. I am not eating in that cafeteria."

"Deal," Izzy said, making a weird grimace, obviously being disgusted by the thought of eating there again.

When she was still in class A it wasn't that bad. The food they got was amazing and she didn't have to worry an ant would get into her lunch, but with class E it was different.

"I rather pay for both of your lunches than eat there," she commented, Seungmin smirking right away. Before he could even open his mouth though, Izzy stopped him. "I am not buying your lunch,"

"Damn, harsh," he chuckled. "When are you ending today?" He turned back to Robin.

"Not sure, but I think our last lesson is with you actually," she muttered, trying to remember her schedule. "Wait a second," she said, looking for her phone in her bag. "Got it!" she called out happily when she found it. "I was right," she said proudly, feeling like the smartest person to exist. "My last lesson is with first years from E class, so you guys."

"Nice! They even gave us a whole lesson together!" Izzy grinned. Whoever created their schedule must have been either a complete idiot or a genius. Depending on if they wanted this chaos to happen or not.

"This school is so going down," Seungmin laughed, glancing at his two friends. Part of him knew he meant it as a joke, but the other part knew it was actually possible. They were going to destroy this school one day. 

Izzy—So new semester started and the trio is getting back together again! That only means more chaos and pranks! 

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So new semester started and the trio is getting back together again! That only means more chaos and pranks! 

I am genuinely so excited for this fic, I've already written a few chapter beforehand so I try to keep updates somehow organized but we'll see how long that will last. 

Let me know what you think of seiseki so far and I'll see you in the next chapter 

Next chapter coming soon 
01 - school prince 

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