12 - late night gaming

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late night gaming 

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late night gaming 

Once ten pm past, everyone finally stood up, deciding it was time to head back. The guys walked first, Soomin and Izzy in the middle, chatting, while the rest of the girls were behind them.

"Hey, Minho," Changbin nudged his shoulder, making the male turn to him with a raised eyebrow.


"Well," Changbin started, his eyes wandering all around the place. "Would you mind...switching rooms with me tonight?"

"What?" Minho asked again, now even more confused. "What even is that question?"

"Ah," Bin closed his mouth for a second, thinking about what he should say. He sighed, deciding to just tell him the truth as he was sure Minho would see through any lie he could possibly think of anyway. "I want to...spend the night with Astran," he muttered, embarrassed he said it out loud.

Minho scoffed, "that's it? Sure, dude," he nodded. "But you'll explain it to Chan on your own, I am not dealing with that," he proclaimed, making Binnie's eyes light up. That made Minho scoff again. The way Changbin was acting when it came to the boy was unbelievable in Minho's opinion. Only if he knew he will be even crazier once he falls in love.

The group was smaller and smaller by each door they passed once they entered the dorm's building. Thankfully both Minho and Changbin had rooms at the end, meaning no one out of their rooms would know about them switching.

Changbin thanked the two older males again before making it to Astran's and Minho's dorm. He knocked on the door, making Astran surprised. His roommate barely went into his room, so hearing a knock caught him off guard.

Astran got up from his table, opening his door, even more surprised seeing the shorter male in front of him.

"Hey, Star," Changbin muttered with a smile, making the taller boy smile too.

"Hey, Binnie," he chuckled, taking his hand as he pulled him closer to himself, kissing him while he closed the door with one of his hands, their other hand on the boy's back.

Changbin bit Astran's bottom lip as they were kissing, knowing damn well he loved that. Astran pushed him to his bed, not breaking their kiss as he sat on his lap. "I talked to Minho," Changbin muttered, his hand pulling Astran closer. "He's not coming tonight," he added, making their eyes widen.

"You shouldn't have said that," Astran smirked, making Binnie smile.

And just like that, they were at it again, with no strings attached (as they both tried to convince themselves), helping each other to get rid of their stress.

But maybe, just maybe, Changbin was looking at the boy differently than he was when they did it for the first time (back then truly with no strings attached). He wasn't sure if he could still call it "just sex" like Astran did.

On the other side of the dorms, the two sisters were arguing. One of them wanting to finally sleep, while her older sister wanted to continue playing her video game.

"Robin, wait a minute," the older one said, muting herself as she turned around on her gaming chair. "Hana, please! I'll be quiet, I promise. Or you can go to Jisoo's room if you really want to sleep," she suggested, making Hana sigh.

"Fine, play," she mumbled, taking her phone as she rolled on her bed to face the wall. "I have no idea how Izzy manages to get her 8 hours of sleep with Robin in her room."

"I am pretty sure Robin kicked her to the boy's room," Amy laughed, turning back, putting her headphones on. "I heard Izzy complaining about something and then the door slammed."

"Seungmin's room?" Hana questioned quietly, turning her head to see Amy. Unfortunately, Amy was already talking to Robin again, completely ignoring her sister. The black haired girl sighed, opening the boy's instagram profile once again.

She felt herself getting jealous over their friendship last semester, and she thought it was because of her crush on Izzy, but when she saw the boy during lunch today... she felt stronger butterflies than she ever did with Izzy. Maybe she was actually jealous of Izzy, not him.

To her surprise, the following icon changed from yesterday. It didn't say "follow" anymore, but "follow back." Hana quickly blinked a few times, making sure it wasn't just her tiredness. He really started following her. She gulped, clicking the follow button on his profile, scrolling down to see his pictures.

Seungmin got a new notification, deciding to ignore Izzy's rant about Robin not letting her sleep as he opened his phone to see what the notification was about. "Oh my god, Izzy," He exclaimed, looking up at the brunette again. Izzy tilted her head, questioning what had happened. "Hana followed me like a minute ago."

Izzy started laughing, her hand in front of her mouth to hide her teeth. It was a habit she picked from Seungmin. She hated that she did that, but she had no idea how to get rid of her habit of picking up habits from people that were close to her.

"Shut up!" Seungmin exclaimed, throwing his pillow at her, also laughing now. "I hate you so much."

"You keep saying that, but we both know it's not true," Izzy smirked, catching the pillow. "You love me, and I love you too."

"I don't," he rolled his eyes. "I tolerate you," he proclaimed, making her scoff.

"Seungmin, you're my favorite person in the whole world right after my dad," Izzy smiled, making the boy's eyes widen. He looked into her eyes, ready to admit to her that he actually felt the same way about her (platonically of course), when he got another notification.

"Hana just liked my last post," he grinned, smiling like some fangirl who just met her favorite idol for the first time.

"Oh my god," Izzy laughed again. "You need therapy just as much as I do," she proclaimed, throwing his pillow back at him. 

Izzy—Ah, how I love writing Seungmin as delusional as I am

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Ah, how I love writing Seungmin as delusional as I am. Me and Seungmin are literally simps. 
Also Astrabin? I do kinda love them. And I also absolutely love the platonic duos you saw in this chapter like Izzy and Seungmin and Robin and Amy. They are my everything <3 

Next chapter coming soon 
13 - tardy 

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