Chapter 57 - The morning after

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Fucking hell, kitten is amazing. That woman has some deeply buried kinks that I can't wait to explore with her. And she loves me.

I lie still and inhale her scent. I can hear the guys moving about in the kitchen, so I guess they didn't stay out too late. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have noticed if they came barging into the room in the middle of us fucking. My brain was completely occupied by the gorgeous woman who has already fulfilled so many of my fantasies.

She moves closer to me in her sleep, and I smile. Even when she's unconscious, she feels safe with me. After all we did, she wants to be by my side. I never want her to fear me or look at me with anything but love.

I could feel myself letting go last night. My brain was screaming at me to rein it in and not be my true self with her. Her eyes told me to trust her. So I did. I trusted her with my inner desires, and she matched them. After our very interesting shower, we finally made it back to bed and had a long conversation about things we might like and things we want to try.

When I got my first girlfriend, I thought what I wanted was normal. I was a normal kid exploring my sexuality. But that very soon turned to me being ashamed of myself.

Last night, I was that young kid again. And kitten is my safe space where I can explore. And I think she sees me as her safe space.

Part of me hates that she grew up so sheltered and protected. But part of me loves that she never had to question herself like I did. She could tell me she wants me to dress up like a kitten and lap milk from her bellybutton and I'd probably do it for her. I'd do it, but we promised to always be honest about how things make us feel. And if there is something either of us doesn't like, we'll talk about it.

She even told me that if there was something she didn't particularly like or dislike, but I loved, she would do it for me. And I told her I'd do anything for her but always be honest about it.

She moves again and I realize I have a stupidly happy smile on my face. With the cutest moan she stretches and I hold her tighter, not being ready to lose the contact with her naked body.

For a moment, she blinks and looks confused, then she smiles at me.

"Good morning."

"It's the best morning." I can't stop grinning from ear to ear.

There's a loud clatter from the kitchen and someone swears. Kitten goes stiff next to me and I know the thought of her brother being that close means any sort of morning sex is off the table. I kiss her forehead. I don't care. I'm just so happy that she's here with me.

"Are you hungry?" I ask. "I can make you breakfast."

"You made me dinner."

"I like cooking. And I love cooking for you."

She glances nervously at the door. "Do you think he's out there?"

"Does it matter?"

I wish I could give her more strength, or at the very least take away all her concerns. She inhales deeply.

"No, I don't suppose it does. I'm really hungry." She moves to get up. I instantly miss her in my arms. "Umm? Do you have something I could wear?"

The way her eyes plead with me, so polite. It makes me have to take a few deep breaths to keep my cock from hardening.

"Sure." I get up and grab a couple of t-shirts from a drawer. I toss her one. I grab a pair of sweats and put them on, along with the other t-shirt. She's pulled the t-shirt on and it almost looks like a dress on her.

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