Chapter 22 - Just a scratch (❤️)

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I don't tell anyone where I'm going. Not that anyone asks. But during the walk to her dorm, I change my mind a thousand times.

My first instinct when she came asking to borrow a car was to not let her take Wes' piece of crap. Ok, it's not a bad car. It's a fine car. But my car is safer.

I did get some shit from the guys for lending her my car when they barely get to ride in it. I played it off as them being reckless.

Maybe JD thought it was odd. He thanked me when she left, and I think he was also relieved she didn't end up with some clunker that was likely to break down halfway home.

Then I got the message. She wants me to stop by and pick up the keys from her dorm. I'm sure her roommate will be there, so it should be fine. Not an issue.

My head is spinning between what I should do and what I want to do. I should tell her to find someone else. To not let me be the one to take her virginity. I should tell her to go with a safer guy, someone she could fall in love with and be happy. That's what my mind is telling me.

The rest of my body is screaming at me to take her, to hold her and kiss her and breathe in her scent. That perfume that has my head spinning, that smells like summer and gardens. And her.

As I reach her building, I still don't know what to do.

That's a lie. I know exactly what I should do.

I slip inside as two girls leave. They look at me and giggle. Maybe they know who I am? I nod at them and head to the stairs.

Her room is on the second floor. I don't have to check her message for the room number. It's already ingrained in my mind.

I knock on her door. This time, I'm not going to give in to my cock. Closing my eyes, I convince myself that I will remain logical and tell her it's not going to happen.

"Hi." Her voice is sweet and slightly shaky.

I open my eyes and her beauty knocks the wind out of me. She's dressed in another of her adorable dresses and does not look like she spent the day on a road trip.

"Hey," I finally say.

"Do you want to come in?"

No. There is no universe where going into her room is a good idea.


She steps aside and when she closes the door behind me, I'm trapped. The room is too small. It's large enough for two beds and they each have a dresser and a desk, but it feels tiny.

Her roommate is not here. Her roommate is not here and her bed is right over there.

I clear my throat. "So, did the shopping trip go well?"

"It did." Her face lights up. "I had no idea such a place even existed. I got several dresses and three pairs of shoes." She looks down and twists her ankle to show me the strappy red heels. Straps that remind me of her red dress.

"Morgan also got a lot of stuff," she continues when I don't say anything. "It was a really nice day." Her voice trails off on the last couple of words.


She clasps her hands and wrings them while avoiding looking at me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well." She clears her throat. "I'm really sorry, but something happened to the car."

My heart jumps into my throat and fear washes over me. I look her up and down.

Just a Pucking Grumpy Goalie [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن