Chapter 19 - No control

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I adjust the collar of my black shirt and roll up the sleeves almost to my elbows. I've combed my beard with beard oil and fixed my hair. She won't be there. I know she won't, because JD would never let her. But just in case.

I take a step back. My reflection tells me I look about as good as I can. I shouldn't even be going out. It wasn't my idea. It never is. I'd be perfectly happy staying in with a book.

But the guys are adamant I join them. They say I need to have some fun. And I can't spend a perfectly good Saturday moping in my room. I don't think it hurts that I'm usually the designated driver, since I don't mind not drinking.

She won't be there. But I do one last check in the mirror before I head to the living room to wait for the others.

Their rooms are on the second floor and I can hear shouting and footsteps as they get ready. I sit on the couch and take out my phone to kill the time.

There's a loud noise above me and laughter. If I had to guess, my money would be on Ethan trying out a new dance move and messing it up, falling flat on his ass.

I relish being the only one with his room on the first floor. It affords me a level of privacy that I appreciate. It suits all of us, because the rest of the guys are much more social than me.

I go back to my phone and scroll at random until I hear someone coming down the stairs.

"Hey, you're ready." JD says. He's in a tight red t-shirt and black pants.

I grunt in reply.

"Funny thing happened," JD says and takes a seat next to me.

"Oh." I'm still on my phone.

"Kat asked about you."

Fuck. I school my face to not change expression as I keep scrolling.

"That's funny?" I hope I sound uninterested.

"I guess." JD shrugs.

"Why was she asking about me?" I keep scrolling. I have to keep scrolling as if I don't care, but my heart is beating as if I just ran a marathon.

"No idea." He laughs. "You're the last person she should be asking about. Did you talk to her at the party?"

I shake my head. "Not that I can remember."

"Anyway, it's funny, because she'd never be interested in you. Can you imagine her and you?" He shakes his head with an amused look on his face. "You're the least suitable person for her."

It hurts. Even though it's exactly what I've been thinking, it hurts to hear someone say it out loud.

"I'm not suitable?" I furrow my brows at him.

"Of course not. You know there's no way in hell you could ever be with a girl like her. It's just not acceptable."

At least I know what JD thinks.

"So, what did you say?" Do I even want to know? I know he's my friend, but she's his sister. It's only natural he would do everything in his power to protect her from me.

"I told her to stay away from you."

"That's it?"

JD's phone buzzes and he takes it out.

"What else is there to say?"

He smiles down at his screen as Liam, Ethan and Wes come down the stairs.

"Well, boys," JD says and gets up. "Looks like you're going to have to make do without me tonight. Something better just turned up."

"You're ditching us for a woman?" Wes asks.

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