Chapter 2 - Partying and flirting

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Dominic 'Brick' Braker

College parties suck. I take another sip of my beer and look around at the more or less drunk crowd. There's music and laughter and my teammates are busy flirting with women, hoping not to spend the night alone.

I'm not really looking. Not that I'd be opposed to hooking up. It's been a while and my hand can only do so much.

"Brick the wall," a guy says loudly and comes up to me, his hand raised for a high-five or a handshake or something. I glare at him. The guy is clearly drunk.

He's not put off by my lack of reaction. Instead, he just laughs. "Game-face on as always, right?" He looks me up and down. I'm dressed in a black long-sleeve button up and jeans.

"Sure," I say and take a sip of my beer.

"You're going to kill it this season." His hand lands on my arm. "I just know it. The Lions are going to wipe the ice with everyone."

"Let's hope so." I shift away from him, so he drops his hand.

As my eyes wander the crowd, I spot two of my roommates, Wes and JD, with their own groupies. JD is charming and easygoing with one of the puckbunnies, whereas Wes is in his own little world.

He's probably having problems with his girlfriend. They've been on and off for a while and none of the guys like Chloe. I think Ethan and Liam have started a betting pool on when he's finally going to break up with her for good.

"You know, I think you might be one of the best goalies the Lions have ever had." The guy is still talking and I try to pay attention. Ethan and Liam, my other two roommates, keep telling me I need to work on my PR skills. They would know. They love publicity and are constantly making videos and updating their socials.

I grimace at the thought of having to maintain a public persona, but they're not wrong. Hockey is my life and I'm going to the NHL after UNI. That has always been the plan. And I have noticed that public relations seems to be part of the job. But that's a worry for later.

"So you must have pretty good leg muscles," fanboy says and smiles.

His eyes are on my chest, and he's biting his lip.

"Sure," I say.

"I don't suppose you'd want to show me sometime." He looks up at me, all hopeful and eager.

"I'm not gay," I say. "Or bi. Sorry."

"Oh well, a man can dream." He looks me over once more and I take another sip of beer.

"Sure." I nod slightly. I'm a big guy and I know most people find me intimidating. I've been told more than once that my beard only partially hides my resting bitch face. So for him to come up to me and shoot his shot must have taken some courage.

Especially since I know a lot of people hear my slight southern accent and immediately place me in a category I'm not comfortable with. Maybe it's the way I look. Or the fact I'm from a small town. I'm not sure. But more than once, people have just assumed I'd hold values that I don't agree with.

"Anyway, good luck this season. I'll see you at the games." Fanboy finally leaves me alone and heads over to Liam and Ethan. They're much more approachable. I watch as they take selfies and happily discuss strategy and training with the guys around them. The guys that are only hanging with them to see if they can catch any of the puckbunny overflow.

"Don't look so gloomy," JD says and puts an arm around my neck. He's shorter than me, so it's slightly awkward. "It's a party. You need to loosen up. Smiling won't kill you, you know."

"You don't know that."

He turns me around slightly.

"See that freshman over there? In the blue skirt. She's been checking you out all night."

I look over at the innocent-looking woman. She sees me looking and blushes before staring at her drink. After a second or two, she glances up at me from under her eyelashes. She's beautiful. Clear skin, soft, dark hair, and elegant fingers.

But she looks like a virgin. Like one bad word would have her covering her ears and running away.

"Not my type." It's a lie. But I look out over the room, making sure to let her see my disinterest.

There's something about that wide-eyed inexperience that turns me on. But I know myself. And I know what happens when I try to make it work with someone like that.

It doesn't.

"Right," JD says. "You need someone who likes it rough."

I groan inwardly as he scans the room. I made a mistake and told the guys about my past once. In my defense, I was very drunk at the time. We had been celebrating Wes' birthday and ran into Jessica, my ex.

I never should have told them why we broke up. But I did. I, in slurring detailed, told them about how I asked her to do things in the bedroom and she called me a pervert and left. And ever since, they throw it in my face.

"What about her?" He points to a woman in a black, lacey top playing beer pong in the next room.

I check her out. She has none of that innocence going for her. Which means she might be up for some fun.

"Possibly," I say.

"Oh, fuck no," JD swears as he spots someone across the room. There are too many people in the way for me to make out what made him so mad.

"What's up?" I ask.

"My fucking sister," JD says and looks angry. "She's not allowed to be here. I'm going to have to deal with this."

He leaves my side and heads through the crowd. I knew his sister came to UNI this year, but I haven't met her yet. Apparently, she has no interest in hockey. I'm not sure what the big deal is about her being at a party, but I'm an only child, so maybe it's just something I wouldn't understand.

Looking over the crowd, I see JD hurrying after two women, one with black hair and one with golden brown. They leave my sight before he can catch up, so I shrug and get back to watching the people.

The woman in black is cheering as she just won the game. She collects some money from her opponent and teases him. I can't hear what she says, but her body is sensual and provocative as she turns away from him. She spots me looking, and a sly smile spreads across her face.

With deliberate movements, she takes the money and shoves it into her bra. Slowly. While keeping eye contact with me.

Fuck, she might be up for just about anything. I try to look less gloomy as she walks up to me.

"Like what you see?" she asks.

"I could like it more."

She raises an eyebrow. I touch the hem of her top.

"If this was on the floor." My eyes rake up her stomach, take in her breasts, linger on her collarbone and neck before I meet her eyes again.

She inhales sharply. "I'm Dina."

"Dom." I say.

"Dom. Short for Dominic?" She raises an eyebrow and quirks a smile. "Or is that just your preference?"

Yup, she'll be up for a lot in the bedroom. "Both."

Her smile tells me this is going to be an interesting night.

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