Chapter 41 - Bad news

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Tuesday night, I'm frantically working on an assignment when my mom calls. Morgan is out at her party and I sigh as I answer, thinking I was right not to go, since my mom is checking up on me.

"Hi, mom," I say.

"Kat, honey."

My heart stops. She sounds almost normal. But almost isn't quite there. Her voice is softer, sadder.

I inhale sharply. If I don't say anything, then nothing is wrong. If neither of us speaks, then the next moment won't come. Fear grips me, and I desperately want to stop time.


I could hang up. Maybe if I ignore it, I can pretend that this call never happened. Because I know for a fact that I do not want to hear the next words out of my mom's mouth.

"Yes?" My voice is so small and I feel like a child again.

"Are you sitting down? Is JD with you?"

"He's not here."

I don't know why we're both speaking as if we're strangers, as if these questions will somehow soften the blow.

"Is your friend with you?"

This is agony. I can't. I just can't stay in this moment any longer.

"Mom?" It's a plea. Almost a whimper.

"It's your grandma, honey. She took a turn for the worse and... Well, she didn't make it."

My ears fill with white noise as my mom explains what happened. I catch a word here and there about her heart and the pneumonia, but all I can do is sit and try to get my brain to work.

"What?" I say as there's a pause in mom's explanation.

"Did you hear me, Kat?" She sounds so gentle.

"But I just spoke to grandma. I told her I was coming home." It's hard to hold on to the phone. I have to adjust it so it won't fall out of my grip, but my hands are numb.

"I know. It happened very suddenly. But you have to know she loved you very much."

"Mom?" My voice breaks and I want her to hold me. I want to be at home with her and dad.

"Hold on." She talks to someone else. My dad. I can hear his deep voice. It sounds broken. "Your dad wants to talk to you."

"Hi, sweetie."

"Dad. It's not true, is it?"

"I'm afraid it is. Grandma... She died."

I sob.

"Sweetie, I can't get hold of your brother. I think his phone is dead. I know it's late, but do you think you can go to his place and let him know?"

I sniffle and blink away some of the tears. JD. JD needs to know. I need to tell him. That's something I can do. Something I can handle.

"Yes," I say. "It's not that late." I check the time. It's ten past nine. "I can do that."

"Thank you, sweetie. I'll arrange plane tickets so you can come home as soon as possible."


"You call us if you need to. Any time. Ok?"

"Ok." I nod, even though he can't see. "I'll go find JD now."

I hang up the phone and grab a jacket. After blowing my nose, I put on a pair of sneakers and head outside. I need to find JD.

I'm almost at the hockey house when I realize I'm wearing Morgan's shoes. They're maybe a size too big, but it doesn't matter.

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