Chapter 55 - Making it official

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The crowd goes wild as Brick stops another puck and the game ends 2-1 to the UNI Lions. I stand and cheer with the rest of the supporters and feel a sense of pride in wearing Brick's jersey. It's much too big on me. It almost covers the skirt I'm wearing, and I had to roll up the sleeves. But I love it.

And I love hearing people around me praise him for being on his game tonight.

"I don't know what got into him," a guy behind us says. "He's been average lately, but tonight Brick the wall was on fire."

Morgan turns to him with a big grin. "Well, he can't let the Lions loose when his girlfriend is watching." She nods in my direction and my cheeks flush.

"Morgan," I say and try to hide my face.

"It's true," Morgan says. "Didn't you see how every chance he got, he looked up at you?"

I had noticed. I'm noticing it now. As the team celebrates on the ice, Brick is looking up at me with a goofy smile on his lips. I smile back.

"For fuck's sake," Morgan rolls her eyes. "If I didn't know the story, I'd say you were being obnoxiously adorable. But I guess you're just adorable."

"I'm going to spend the night at his place." My stomach fills with butterflies at the thought.

"Really?" Morgan wrinkles her nose. "With your brother in the same house?"

"I bribed Ethan and Liam. They're going to keep JD out at least until three. That should give us plenty of time."

Morgan laughs. "Oh, my god. You are turning vicious. Standing up for yourself and bribing people? I never would have thought the sweet, innocent girl I met at the beginning of the semester would be capable of that."

"I guess I have changed a lot." We're slowly moving out of the stadium with the throng of people.

Morgan chuckles.

"What?" I ask.

"I was just imagining the look on JD's face when you appear out of Brick's bedroom in the morning. I'd pay good money to see that."

I frown. "Am I pushing it too far?"

"He needs to learn." Morgan shrugs. "But if you could film his reaction, I'd owe you big time."

We reach the fresh air and start making our way to the player's entrance around the side.

"Are you going to be ok alone?" I ask.

"I'll be fine. I think I'm going to take some time off from men for a while. Focus on engineering and myself. I think I need that."

"Sounds like a plan."

"I saw this list of five hundred movies to watch before you die. Maybe I'll start checking that off tonight."

"That's a lot of movies."

"I'm going to have a lot of time. Especially if you'll be spending nights over at the hockey house."

We stand around chatting for a while near the puck bunnies and other girlfriends and people who want to see the players.

It's chilly, but I'm too excited to notice. Meeting Brick here, out in public, in front of my brother, is a big step for us.

When I showed up in his jersey, I did see some curious glances and a couple of the puck bunnies are giving me death glares. In a sense, this is our big coming out. Making it official.

The players start to emerge.

"Hey," Morgan says. "I think I'm going to take off. I don't want to risk another fight with your brother."

"Really? I'm sure Brick wouldn't mind driving you home."

"I'm sure. You have a great night."

She gives me a wave and disappears and I'm left watching the door as Ethan, Liam and Wes appear. The same blonde woman I saw on the night of the alumni dinner rushes over to Wes. Lydia, I think her name was. He catches her as she jumps into his arms and wraps her legs around him. I avert my eyes as they kiss.

The door opens again and JD steps out. A couple of the puck bunnies break free and walk up to him with big smiles. He spots me and furrows his brow.

"What are you doing here?" he asks as he approaches.

"I'm meeting Brick," I say.


I sigh. "Morgan just left. I wasn't alone."

"You were alone when I saw you."

"For like two seconds. And do you really think any of these guys would let anything happen to their captain's sister and goalie's girlfriend?"

"Is that what you are? His girlfriend?"

I take a deep breath. We haven't talked about it, but we are boyfriend-girlfriend. We have to be, right?

"Yes," a deep voice says. "And I'm her boyfriend."

My insides jump and I smile at my boyfriend. He holds out a hand and I take a couple of steps, almost skipping, so I can grab it.

"You were really good tonight," I say and smile up at him.

He laughs.

"How would you know?" JD snorts. "You've never been to a game in your life."

"I know." I glare at JD. "I know because the people around me all said so."

"Thanks, kitten." Brick leans down and kisses my cheek. "What do you want to do tonight?"

I glance over at JD, who is still watching us. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" I ask loudly.

Ethan and Liam jerk their heads in my direction and hurry over to us.

"Yes, he does," Liam says. "He's coming with us." They grab his arms.

"What? Let go of me."

"Come on, captain, stop perving on your sister and her boyfriend. Your team wants to celebrate with you." Ethan pulls him away.

"You better have her home at a reasonable hour," JD says as a last threat before the guys haul him off.

"What was that?" Brick asks, looking confused.

"I may have bribed them to keep him away."

"Away from where?"

I turn into Brick and bite my lip as I look up at him. "Away from the house. Where your bedroom is."

Brick goes stiff and swallows. "Really?"

I drag a finger over his chest and make little patterns. "I was thinking, if you don't mind, that we could spend the night there. And-" I yelp as Brick drags me across the parking lot. I have to run to keep up with his long strides.

By the time we reach the car, I'm laughing. "I guess you don't mind."

"I'll make you food," he says and opens the door for me. "We'll eat, and then I'm going to eat you."

I get in and he hurries around to the driver's side.

"Actually," I say and feel myself getting hotter. "I found this video. And I thought maybe we could watch it?"

"Whatever you want, kitten. As long as I can have some food first. I'm starving and I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of energy tonight."

"It's a deal."

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