Chapter 39 - The beginning of the end

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Sunday morning I wake up to my phone buzzing. Sleepily, I reach for it as Morgan groans and turns to the wall.

I blink at the screen and my stomach plummets as last night comes back to me.

"Hello," I say and hold my breath.

"Katherine Jenna Hartford," my mother's voice sounds out. "Why are we finding out from your brother that you've been ignoring all the rules we set for you?"

My skin feels like it's covered in ice. I slowly sit up as my heartbeat makes me nauseous.

"Mom, I can explain."

"Explain?" She's practically shrieking. "Do you really think there is any acceptable explanation for this? You've been seeing a boy behind our backs. And not only that, you let him kiss you. Your father and I are very disappointed."

"It's not like that, mom. I didn't let him kiss me. I kissed him. And he's not a boy, he's a man." Morgan turns her head to me and squints her eyes open.

"That does not make it any better. I knew we never should have let you go live on your own. I told your father this will not end well. You are not ready for this kind of responsibility."

"Mom, I'm an adult. There's nothing wrong with kissing someone."

Morgan sits up and pulls her knees to her chest as she watches me with a concerned look.

"This is not why we let you go to UNI, Katherine. We trusted that you would be responsible."

"I am being responsible." I stop myself from telling her about the birth control. That probably won't ease her mind in the slightest.

"You are not. And just the fact that we had to find out from your brother tells me there is something wrong with this boy. If you really thought he was acceptable, you would have told us about him."

"If I had told you, you would have told me not to see him." My breathing is labored and I'm struggling to remain calm.

"With good reason. You should not be focusing on boys at your age. I don't think we can stand for this."

"Mom, it was a kiss between consenting adults."

"Your father and I talked it over. We agreed you need to move back home until we can trust you."

"What?" I feel all the blood leave my face and numbness take over. "You can't do that."

"We can and we will. As long as we're the ones paying for your life, you live by our rules."

"Having a boyfriend is not a big deal. I've had a boyfriend before." My grandma's words about him being chosen by my parents ring in my head.

"Yes, and we all saw where that was about to lead. Or have you forgotten how you tried to seduce him? How are we supposed to trust that you don't try anything similar again?"

"Mom." Tears well up in my eyes and Morgan comes to sit next to me.

"We were more than generous. We let you go to UNI even though you could have gotten the same education closer to home. Because we trusted you to act like a lady. We are very disappointed in you." She takes a deep breath.

"You can trust me."

"We set the rules for your sake. All we've ever done is try to ensure you have a good future. But when you disrespect us like this, I don't know where we went wrong."

"I chose nursing for you. I'm in this program because you wanted me to be a nurse. Isn't that enough?" A tear runs down my face.

Morgan holds an arm around me and leans her head against my shoulder.

"Nursing is a fine degree, but when you are out there, you represent this family, and I am ashamed of you right now."

"I want to talk to dad." Maybe I can convince him to let me stay.

"Your father has to get to work, but we've already discussed this and he'll only tell you the same thing I just did. Start packing up your stuff."

"Mom, you can't just expect me to leave in the middle of the semester."

"We can look into online classes when you get here. For now, you need to gather your things and come home."

"And if I don't?"

There's a gasp from the other end. I can't remember ever standing up to my parents, but being here has changed me, and I don't want to give up my new life without a fight.

"Your father and I will not pay for you to act like a whore. I told you to pack your things."

The words sting and I stifle a sob. "I don't act like that."

"And how would we know? From what your brother told us, it's bad. And seriously, Kat, going after someone on his team? Do you know how much damage you could have caused to JD's future? You pack your things. I want you back home within the week."

It's always been about JD. Always his future on the line. For a brief moment, I had freedom. But now...

"What about my future?" I say weakly.

"Luckily, we caught your behavior before you messed it all up."

"Fine." I stare at the ceiling to stop the tears from falling. "I'll finish the assignments I have and talk to the teachers about online classes." At this point, I know UNI is a pipedream, and all I can hope for is some form of degree that will get me a job. And maybe one day I can support myself and move out. "I'll be home by the weekend."

"JD will be keeping a close eye on you, and it goes without saying that you are not to contact the boy again. Do you understand me?"

"I understand."

Morgan wraps both arms around me and hugs me tight, and I lean against her as I end the call.

"He told them?"

I nod and let the tears flow down my cheeks

"He's such an asshole. Can I beat him up? I'm sure I could take him. Just a little?"

I chuckle through my tears. "I'm going to miss you."

"Is there nothing you can do? Isn't the semester paid for? Maybe you could stay and get a job? Loans?"

I shake my head. "If I don't go home now, I might not have a home to go to. And I've only ever had temporary summer jobs at my dad's office. Nobody is going to hire me without work experience."

"And you don't want to take loans?"

I shake my head. I'm not stupid. I see the way people are struggling to pay back their student loans, and I don't want to tie the next thirty years to that struggle. Not if I can help it.

"I don't see any way out of this, Morgan. I really didn't think JD would be so cruel." Tears faster than I can wipe them away. Morgan strokes my hair. I have one week to find a way to continue my studies from back home. And say goodbye to Brick.

Maybe, eventually, they'll let me return. In person, I might be able to convince them to let me finish my studies here at UNI. If I can talk to dad and let him know there's nothing to worry about... Maybe he'll let me come back.

If I'm lucky.

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