Chapter 13 - More rules

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Chapter 13


He's here again. My palms get sweaty as I see him approaching. I have Basic Nutrition twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays, and I guess he has his class at the same time and right next to my class.

"So, we could meet up and go through the material together," Richard says.

"Oh," I snap my head back to him. "We'll see. I think I study best on my own. Will you excuse me?"

He looks disappointed, but I don't wait for an answer before I cross the floor. Dom, or Brick, is keeping his eyes firmly on the floor. My stomach bubbles with excitement and I clutch the strap of my bag tighter and take even breaths.

"Hi," I say and stop in front of him.

He barely needs to raise his eyes to see me. I'm in flats today and I feel small. I barely reach his chest.

"Kat." He sounds part surprised and part... relieved?

"I guess we have class next to each other again."

He grunts some form of half reply. I guess he's not feeling chatty.

"What class do you have?" I tilt my head and, as his eyes fly all over the place, I wonder if he's even going to answer me.

"Nutrition and Chronic Disease."

"Sounds interesting." He doesn't reply. "I know who you are now," I say and smile.

His face doesn't change.

I nod. "You are Dominic 'Brick' Braker, goalie for the UNI Lions," I recite it as if I had it memorized.

His eyes bore into mine and steal the air from my lungs.

"So," I say when he doesn't speak. "Which do you prefer, Dom or Brick?"

He looks around, and I miss his eyes on me.

"I'm not sure you should be calling me anything." It's barely more than a grumble.

I tilt my head and study his face. There's a slight, almost imperceptible, reddening of his neck. Just below the beard.

"I like Dom," I say. "But I kind of also like Brick. I think it suits you."

"Then call me Brick."

"Sure." He comes off so grumpy, but I don't think he means to. "You know, that night wasn't all bad."

His eyes snap to mine and I could swear they darken. "I don't think we should talk about it."

With a shrug, I grab a piece of my hair and start twirling it around my finger.

"It was good, though. I just want to be honest and let you know that. I didn't want you to think I hated it or anything."

He clears his throat.

"You have a right to know," I continue. "I loved the kissing and when you..." I bite my lip and look around. "I liked what you did to my nipples." My face is on fire, but I've decided that if I want him to be my first, I should tell him what I liked. Isn't that what Morgan's mom told her to do?

He's staring at me with his mouth slightly open.

"And when I was on all fours, and you-"

"Enough." He spins around and walks away before I can finish my sentence. Maybe it's for the best. I'm not really sure how to say the next part. But I am getting better at this. Talking with Morgan about sex has really helped me open up.

I take a deep breath and watch him leave the building. He's going to miss class. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything? I don't think he was really mad, though. I frown. Or maybe he was? Do I need to apologize again?

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