Chapter 48 - Can't he understand?

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I set up a meeting with my advisor the following day. I need to distract myself so I don't run over to the hockey house and right into Brick's arms.

I get all the info I need about changing my major and some options for catching up. It's going to be a lot of hard work, but I assure her I can do it. Luckily, some of the classes overlap, so I'm not too far behind.

We come up with a game plan and leave the admin building, full of excitement about this change.

Nursing wasn't bad, per se. But it was never what I wanted or was passionate about. I could tolerate the idea of working with people, and if that had been my path, I would have done my best. But I truly believe that in order to be a good nurse, it needs to be a calling, not just the least horrible option.

For me, it was the only option to get away from home.

"What's that?" JD asks as I cross the lawn. He nods at the papers in my hand.

"I don't want to talk to you," I say and try to walk away from him.

"Mom and dad want to know how you're doing."

"Then they can call me."

"Are you really upset with me?"

I come to an abrupt halt and close my eyes. Rage bubbles inside me and I take a deep breath to stifle it.

"How can you even ask me that?"

His sigh is as deep as it is fake. "I have to look out for you, Kat. You don't know what's best for you."

I scoff and continue walking. "Do you really want me to believe that?"

"It's true. I love you and I have to protect you."

I just shake my head and don't look at him.

"Come on, Kat. If you're that hard up for a boyfriend, maybe I can help."

"Now you want to help?" I could club him over the head with a crowbar.

"Well, you're being very stubborn about it. So I was thinking I could introduce you to some good guys."

He is unbelievable.

"Do you actually know any good guys? They can't be anything like you then."

"You're not making it easy to help you."

"I don't want your help."

"You clearly can't choose guys on your own."

I spin around with a massive urge to punch him in the face.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Look, Brick is not someone you want to get to know. Trust me on that. But this new guy, Dustin, would be perfect for you."

I gape at him. Stunned, I'm just about to tell him to fuck off when it dawns on me. If Brick thinks I've moved on, then he won't come after me. And if he doesn't come after me, JD won't ruin his career.

I close my mouth and swallow. JD takes that as a sign of encouragement.

"As far as I can tell, Dustin is a decent guy. A much better fit for you. He's also a hockey player in case that's important, but he goes to church every Sunday, doesn't drink or party too much. And I'm pretty sure he's a virgin. So there will be no mismatch there."

I blink up at JD. He still thinks I'm a virgin. Maybe he thinks that kiss at the alumni dinner was as far as it ever went. Does he think that's the only thing we ever did?

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