hot cocoa? -t.c

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a/n- a winter's special of december! ahh christmas! i'll be gone for 2 weeks for the holidays but i wanted to wrap something special for you guys, I started this in october and i was like its literally too early, so i finished it up! i have another idea for a story but i havent started on lead series at allll..

no warnings


Cold breeze slipped through your body as you walked through the pathways of New York City. The weather was coldly crisp, your breath would fog up as you exhaled through your parted lips.

As petite flakes of snow fell gracefully, the wind began to pick up. You felt goosebumps begin to coat your arms, shivering and wrapping your hoodie around yourself tighter. 

You sat just outside of your local coffee shop, you could feel the warmness caressing your body as the door opened and closed, a small ding ringing as a customer stopped by. You waited for your girlfriend, Tara to finish her coffee bean shopping like she did every two weeks for Sam.

You never minded tagging along with her, having her take her time. You would give anything to spend more time than you already have with her. It was so crowded today, as much as you wanted to go in and feel the warmth of her, of the coffee shop, you couldn't. It was compacted and surely you would be squeezed from all of the figures. You didn't mind to tell her to take her time. But today, winters storm began to blow with harshness, causing you to wish she would buy her coffee beans quicker.

Your nose was red, sniffling as the cold sweet air inhaled through your body perfectly. You could swear that if you wrapped your (Tara's) hoodie around you even tighter than it already was, it would pop and tear like a balloon. 

Christmas lights brightened all of New York, complimenting the snow just right. There was an ice skating rink at the center of NYC, jumbo screens projecting holiday advertisements. You saw little children wearing giant puffy jackets with earmuffs and gloves, giggling as they walked around the streets with their parents. Faint holiday songs could be heard, mixed with the laughs and chatters of people around you. You exhaled, your breath fogging up in the winter snow.

Your shoulders un-tensed as soon as you heard the coffee shop bell ding. Your tiny, sweet, cozy-looking Tara waddling out with her coffee beans. Her eyes beamed at you as she pulled you in for a tight hug, nose nuzzling your neck.

"Hi baby." You smile, blush creeping on your cheeks as you felt your heart flutter.

Her body warmth spread through you like a wave. You sighed happily, smelling her sweet scent from her hair.


It made you want to hold her just a little tighter. 

Your girlfriend giggled, kissing your cheek as she caressed your face.

"You must be cold, baby. You're freezing!" She gasped as she touched your snowy, icy cold face, rubbing your blushed cheeks. Warmth flooded through you.

She took off her beanie and placed it gently on your head, securing it. 

"You look cute," she cooed, snuggling you.

You felt warmer, of course you did, you always felt warm with Tara around.

"I'm sorry I had to make you wait for so long. They sold out of our favorite and they were checking if they had any in the back. You must've been freezing, your nose is all red Y/N."

You sniffle, rubbing your nose as you kiss her, "Don't apologize love, it just got a little chilly." You grin, your body shaking again as the wind picks up once again.

jenna ortega imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang