we keep this love in a photograph pt.1-v.c

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a/n/warnings- hello people! i've decided to make this story multiple parts, this is because i definitely do not want to have you guys wait for more parts if you are waiting for more stories. so i decided to make it into a short story. no warnings! just fluff. i should write angst soon shouldn't i? :).


You and Vada were sitting comfortably on your bed, your legs tangled together as you nuzzled her chest. She hugged you like a teddy bear and kissed your forehead softly, her fingers stroking your hair. You felt warm, like drinking smoking hot cocoa in a winter storm, the comforting kind of warm. You hugged the baggy hoodie you were wearing that she gave you even tighter. She smiled at you, enough to make your heart fly out of your chest as her attention was caught on something.

Vada tilted her head, her eyebrows furrowing, "Hey, Y/N? What's that book that's sitting on top of your desk?" She pointed to your desk, an item lying comfortably next to your lamp, the only light that made your room glow warmly.

You were confused at first, what book? Your eyes met her fingers as you looked at your desk, then your eyes widened. 

"Oh, that! I meant to show you this a while back but I forgot," you untangled yourself from her embrace and stretched, before making your way to your desk. You traced your fingers along the book before picking it up, the weight feeling light on your fingertips as you plopped yourself back into Vada's arms.

You looked up at her, your eyes soft as you smiled reassuringly. Her gaze was warm, sparkling as she waited for you to tell her what the book in your hand was.

You flipped the book to the front cover, it was a scrapbook, the cover as you and Vada hugging each other under a cherry blossom tree as you both smiled at the camera. 

"We keep this love in a photograph, a forever love between Vada and Y/N"

Vada gasped softly, her lips forming into a bigger smile as she held you tighter, "You made this?"

You nodded in response, "I thought of it when you told me that you could always picture our memories clearly no matter what... I just thought that this could take us back to the best nights and days we've spent together, you know?"

She looked at you in adoration, thankfulness, and pure love as she kissed your nose, her hair gracefully falling on your face, "Thank you so much love! I-I don't even have words to tell you how thankful I am.." She pouted playfully, nuzzling you again as you opened the scrapbook to show her.

The first page unfolded a memory that you felt like it rushed back into your hair, you could remember it like it was yesterday. It was a polaroid picture of Vada that Nick took two years ago right before she was going to confess her feelings towards you. She was holding flowers in one hand with a note and a teddy bear in the other, smiling shyly at the camera. Nick gave it to you on your birthday last year and you kept it ever since.

Vada's eyes widened as she stuffed her face into your shoulder in embarrassment, giggling, "Oh my god! No way, I forgot about that photo.. I was so scared to see what your reaction was.." 

You smiled, blush creeping on your cheeks. You remembered it all too well.


"Nick! What happened, what are you doing here?" You were startled by Nick's sudden yell of your name, and the next thing you knew he stampeded to where you were. 

He panted, wheezing for air as he took your arm and ran back to the way you came from, "I'll explain on the way there! Just follow me!"

You yelped, holding on to your books as you were being dragged, almost tripping as you followed him, "What do you mean?! Stop! I NEED TO GET MY COFFEE!"

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