Jay's Alt Upbringings

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So, there are, again, more ways to look at this than just one.

Starting off is Snob Jay

I have no other thinsg to call this- but it makes sense. If he had lived with his actual dad and got just as popular as he did (maybe a child actor sort of thing,) he'd probably grow up pretty privileged.

Whether or not his mom left, Jay still had to be looker after. Why who? His grandparents, Ed and Edna, of course. But coming from someone who probably acts like your typical richkid in a Disney movie, I don't think he'd appreciate them as much as he should.

Finding out he was a ninja, he'd either think it was a big joke at first and laugh Wu off his porch, or he'd be all like "Well of course I'd be gifted with a power, I'm js built like that"

I don't think he'd ever not be a nerd, though. He just keeps that part of him to himself most of the time, since his dad/parents probably told him not to show it.

If he wasnt neglected, that is. If he was, then he'd be more like this, more traumatized version:

Selective Mutism Jay

If he grew up w his dad, but his dad was either too busy or didn't care enough to really raise him, he wouldn't be in the spotlight much. Unless the paparazzi wants to ask questions about his father.

That whole cycle of being berated or interrogated in public about someone he didn't really know much about, got bad real fast.

Couple that with neurodivergency and how overwhelming that would be, he'd find it easiest to simply not talk. The first time it happened, it was a simple response to breakdowns.

But as time went on, it seemed like the easier option.

He didn't stop talking to everyone, though. His grandparents, were very kind and understanding.

When they passed away, however... it was rare he said much to anyone else.

And in that state of grief, Wu finds him.

I'm pretty sure Jay was the first ninja there, in Canon, and if not, we're gonna say he was. So in that time, Wu helped him communicate in other ways like with ASL, note cards, or general body language.

With the other ninja- when they show up- he'd be really nice and still as accident-prone as usual. (Pretty  much an Echo Zane but human) And he does warm up to them eventually, talking here and there when he feels most comfortable.

Look I had to give somebody all that trauma if Lloyd doesn't have it anymore

Had to happen guys

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