Who's More Likely To pt2

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It's back! Again, I got all these from google

-Most likely to embarrass a friend in public? Jay and Kai, both have done that multiple times to Lloyd.

-Most likely to skip out on church? Morro. They don't allow spirits, discriminating bastards.

-More likely to skip meals? All of them, they will go for days without eating because of a mission, but when the mission is done they'll eat so much it's inhuman.

-Most likely to snitch? Either kid Lloyd because he's just a gremlin, or Zane on like total accident. Like he'll bring up the thing again, not knowing that nobody else was meant to know.

-More likely to fake a sickness? All of them. Multiple times. School sucks.

-Talk in their sleep? Skylar and Lloyd will have actual conversation with each other in their sleep, and not even remember that they just plotted to kill Clutch Powers with thirty knives in their sleep. Wu is concerned.

-Get a weird tattoo because of a dare? Cole and Jay, both have gotten tattoos chosen by the other, and they actually liked them... even though they're just memes on their elbows.

-Adopt a stray dog? Nya, she was so ready to adopt Zippy on the island, you know she got away with adopting multiple kittens.

-Flirt with strangers? Kai, we all know he's done it.

-Die first in the zombie apocalypse? Dareth, trying to be the hero.

Yeah changed question styles halfway through oof-

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