Season 16 Predictions Yo

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So, T.Andreasen made a tweet saying that the 2022 seasons will have both the funniest and darkest episodes yet.

And...yeah the darkest isn't that reassuring, huh?

Welp, I'm gonna talk about my predictions for that first!

Op One; Sacrifice.

 Now, when you think of darkest, mostly you'd think of sacrifice. With all the sadness going on, it's possible that after The Benefit Of Grief, whoever bounces back will make a sacrifice themselves to save Nya, the others, Ninjago, whatever.

 But honestly, sacrifice wouldn't fall under 'darkest' for Ninjago. At least in my opinion. The gang have faced death or near-death many times, I doubt that another death would be how the show wants to take things.

Op Two/Three; Killing/Accidental Death.

The ninja have a reputation of always saving the lives of people in danger. It's actually something that they've managed to live u to, and no innocent lives have been takes- a far as I know.

 Maybe something happens on a mission and- with everyone not being their best, they mess up more often, leading to someones death. The person more at fault would likely be Jay or Kai, and the b-story of the season will be helping them bounce back, up until they eventually do in ep12: The Benefit Of Grief.

Or maybe one of the ninja almost has to kill the other for whatever reason.

On the other hand, maybe murder will be what needs to be done to save someone else.

There have been other theories/rumours about the new seasons revealing the Vengestone Buyer, and this sparks a question; what will the ninja do against the new snakes if they can't use their powers? They might get seriously injured, and, in a situation where they'd die, they might actually have to kill the snakes.

Or another way:

What if Nya almost dies due to the Vengestone, and Kai or Jay kills someone?

I've worried about this alot, like- how would literal water face a thing that removes elements from masters? She still has a soul, I'm sure even though she is her element, it should be removed by Vengestone.

So what if she is almost killed? Or she dies? Like-

Let's say Kai and Nya are stuck somewhere. Kai can't get up at the moment, and he sees someone attaches Vengestone to Nya, stripping her element away. Her limp, human body falls to the ground, and he thinks his sister is dead. Adrenaline in his veins, he gets up and brutally murders the villain. He calms down, kneels down next to his sister and cries. The others find them eventually, and Nya is brought onto the Bounty.
Of course they're all worried, but they still have snakes to deal with. And, thinking back to everything that she's done, maybe all the ninja bounce back, and fight one last time for a chance to see her again after the battle. Maybe that'll be what The Benefit Of Grief is. Maybe after the fight mid-way through the episode, she wakes up!

Op Four; Morality Change.

This kinda goes along with killing, but more on that.

So...what if Kai does kill someone? Or is just really selfish and lets someone die? How would he react? Hell, how would Lloyd react?

Their relationship isn't brought up too much anymore, and maybe something like this could be what brings it back.

I had another though for the darkest episode; Kai snapping at his parents.

I know, an argument seems like a massive step down from the life-or-death the gang experience most of the time, but hear me out...

...what if Kai blames Maya for Nya's death?

I mean, she used to be the master of water, maybe he uses that as an excuse for how she could have helped. "If you know everything about how to be a water master why didn't you help her?!"

And, with that, he leaves the Monastery, and Lloyd goes after him.

Maybe a bit underwhelming, but a scene like that in a show like this would definitely be a turn.

For more of a turn, it'd probably be better for Kai to take things into his own hands when they can't use their powers, and he'll end up killing one of the bad guys of the season. The others may not trust him anymore, so he leaves.

Op5; Fucked Up Relationship

Skylor hasn't been in recent season too much, but I feel like with something like this, she'll definitely stay at the Monastery to help her boyfriend.

Going with my theory of Chen being the Vengestone Buyer somehow, this might make Kai no longer trust Skylar even if she didn't know about it anyways. They'll likely get into a fight, and now Kai is scared to trust anyone else.

A bit of a lesser one as well, but eh, we don't see much Kailor angst in the show.

'Funniest' Episode

On a lighter note, let's talk about the funny side Tommy talked about.

Since it's apparently the funniest in the show, something happy had to have happened, right?

I'm willing to bet that the so-called funny moments will happen in season17, after whatever goes on in s16 to likely get Nya back. (it can't be fully happy without her)

And that definitely means that nothing else too bad would be happening in season 16! Like- whatever happens in that has to be resolved to actually let the funny be funny!

Well, unless... the beginning of season 17 is the funny part, but it's stripped away by the darkest scene in the show, starting one of the characters' vigilante arcs to take revenge. Maybe all the ninja fall into the gray area.

Eh, oh well. We'll have to wait and see. This has been 3-4am chats(and edts at 9am), byee!

Ninjago StuffOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora