Lloyd Headcanons

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-his adult teeth are Oni fangs

-though his eyes are red, he does try out other contacts like green, yellow, blue and purple- currently purple is his favorite

-despite what like EVERYONE else at the Monastery thinks, this dude can pull off a dress perfectly

-when he goes in disguise for a mission, he'll go ALL OUT with some cosplay type stuff... wait technically he should be able t shapeshift, right?

-even though he's thought the opposite for a while, he has the same lifespan as a normal human...shockingly

-he doesn't do it much- like at all- but he's probably the best singer at the Monastery

-canonically- lets be real- he'll most likely turn out to be aromantic or something- 

-if I had to give him a mental thing of some kind- other than like DEPRESSION- Age Regression seems to fit.

-Brad is still his friend, it's just awkward as hell whenever they go somewhere. But they like to view it as a Shazam sort of thing- which I mean they're not wrong-

-a big thing that calms him down is going into the forest- somehow... like- he doesn't exactly know why the woods are comforting, but they are- especially if he finds some new flowers or something in there

and finally...the most important headcanon...

-He geniunely likes the fact that he's older, since now he's taller, has a deeper voice, and can actually buy things without needing a parent (i get all the angst around him not wanting to grow up, and I like it, but lets face it he's been thru enough-)

Nya's headcanons are next!

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