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The ninja are all assigned to work at a job of their choice for some extra credit or something- idk they may just be broke;


Since he had to raise Nya- and did a fucking awesome job at it- he has a way with babies. Not to mention he also had to watch Lloyd's chaotic ass, so he knows how bad children can be. But still, he likes watching kids. They're he only people who can't make him mad. There isn't a real reason he'd get fired or quit other than school but, he still babysits after they were done with their jobs


Since he's interning he won't be allowed to do anything major, and since everyone think he's...not human- I mean he's not but- the head doctor is the one he's working for. He's very friendly to the other employees and kind towards the people who have surgery. They don't let him do much at first but one day the head doctor gets a virus or something and Zane has to coach the others on how to remove it. They offer him a full-time job after, but he rejects it, knowing that they still won't view him as an equal; it'll always be something less or more than what he is

Cole;Movie Music Person

At first i thought that he'd be a stuntman for movies, but still given the circumstances(the fact he's friends with Lloyd), they'll just ask for him to email them music to use for the movies. In the credits for the movies, they made him go by a different name so he chose one; Rocky Dangerbuff- jk it's probably just 'Dude' or something-


I know that Jay acts very different in the movie than in the show, but I think he still has a way with machines (*insert technoshipping joke-). He wouldn't be the type to rewire all the lights in a house, but he could fix power lines and broken computers


Not the best, but given his background it's the best he could get. He loves dogs anyways so he gets good money for the work he does. Half the time he just gets stuck dog-sitting, but he still enjoys it more than being at school. If Lloyd ever accidentally hurts one of the dogs, he won't tell the owners but he won't accepts pay from them that day. His likeness towards dogs is basically the same as CrankGamePlays and Spencer's.


This may be the most fitting; not only does she still get to save people, she's getting paid for it and she can use her powers while she's in the water so people won't ask questions! Although the thing that made her quit was she caught onto the fact that she's only saving f*ckboys so they can grab her boobs. She doesn't quit really, she gets fired for 'letting someone drown'. The person she didn't save if fine, but they're a Karen and Nya was fed up so she actively tried to drown her- nah she just beat her up but yeah she left


I get that she isn't in the movie and she won't need money anyways, so think of this as something she likes to do in her free time. She likes to help people with their problems, although I could see her working at the hospital with Zane, or at least a 911 Dispatcher

Skylar;Jewellery Maker

She isn't in the movie either but I think she could make some pretty cool jewellery. Also when i heard her element was amber all I could think of was her having all these amulets with a symbol of the element in it; like just a yellow orb with a fire jewel in it seems adorable. Plus Sky- to me- is one of those characters where she could have any job and be the absolute best at it, so she can do whatever

The Ninja Altogether;Youtube

I feel like since they're ninja they do the craziest shit on YT and most likely never get seriously injured. They all have one shared account where they will do just about anything; rage games, stunts, anime review, accidentally using their powers on a live and having to delete their channel to destroy any evidence-

Or they could just work at Wu's tea shop; they already know him and the money they'll make. Actually them knowing how much money they'll get may be the reason they all got new jobs-

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