Lloyd's Alt. Upbringings

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This guy has had so much stuff go down in his life, I'm pretty sure with this I'm not even checking all the bases for just how different his life could've been, if only he had a parent to raise him.

So, let's start off w our favorite (not at all) mother: Misako!

This AU existing would mean she wasn't a bad mom tho, so good for her I guess. The basic plot would be, instead of abandoning her own child at Darkley's, she takes him with her on her journeys. Maybe because she wants him to be as far away from his evil warlord father as possible, maybe that's just where life took her and she doesn't want to leave her son behind, whatever.

One thing would be the same tho, regardless of reason: Lloyd would be, like, ten times more polite than he was in the first seasons. The way I see it, how he is now, just with 100% more baby face and 50% less abandonment issues. Being exploring for as long as he must have been, he'd be the best at growing plants and caring for animals. This Lloyd's eyes would be the same color he was born with: red. He has no idea the other powers he has, so they wouldn't change. (this will make more sense w the others, trust me)

Being the green ninja would be a surprise to Lloyd and Misako, but for different reasons. Misako was so sure that he would've turned out like his father- hence the whole travel and overly-hospitable vibe she raised him under, to keep him as far away from crime as possible. But for Lloyd, it was a very nice awakening. Sure, he had no clue how to fight or anything like that, but he certainly wanted to stay in a single place for once. 

He was just as much a loner as he was in the show, always having to move and never making or having time for real friends. The chance to stay somewhere specific and make lasting relationships- no matter the cost- was enough for him to start his journey.

At the time he meets the ninja, he'd probably have been traveling with Misako for 10 years or so (he'd be about 14-15), meaning he has the basic survival skills and general knowledge of what lies ahead, and some know-how on the world outside the Monastery, which is a bit more than our next Lloyd could say:

Here's Lloyd if he was raised by Sensei Wu.

AKA, the option Misako should've fcking chosen before deciding to leave Lloyd at an awful boarding school. This man may be cryptic and possibly high on whatever's in his tea 24/7, but she's known him for as long as she's known his husband. Hell, he might've already offered to take him in when he saw it was getting too much for her.

So what if she said yes to the offer, disappearing and leaving no way for her son to find her- this time, in the proper care of an adult?

Well, he would've grown up learning all the kinds of tea, Serpentine species, and realms- along with scrolls and prophecies. Also meaning, he'd be the best fighter out of the ninja, at least for a while. If all stays close to canon besides this, he may have even taught Nya a few moves back when she wasn't a ninja or samurai. 

But before any of the other ninja show up, of course, he would have been trained with Morro. The angsty teen who likely hated Lloyd for a year or two after learning that he was the green ninja. Strangely enough, though, he still didn't leave the kid behind. Protectiveness? He'd never admit it.

How would Lloyd have taken the information though? Honestly, he might have already figured it would've been him, but learning it-this early, mind you- it would have been a lot more than he could handle. Even if he'd grown up with his element (making his eyes green) how could he handle such a huge responsibility? 

Maybe he ends up being the runaway, trying to escape all his problems until he finds Pythor. Of course he doesn't fall for his tricks, but that doesn't mean escape is easy.

For either of these next Lloyds though, it very much would be: if he was raised by his father: Master of Destruction and Oni Dad #1.

Whether he's raised to be evil to follow in Garmadon's footsteps, or brought up away from all the evil so a target wouldn't be on his back, he would know everything about the Underworld, Serpentine, Fang Blades- all of it. 

Finding out he was the green ninja could either be relieveing and worrying, or just worrying. Evil Lloyd would be distraught, and likely try to change the prophecy by doubling down on the evil, but it goes nowhere, and he loses that closeness with his father. Good Lloyd may feel upset since he will never be one in the same with his dad (imo, this Lloyd would probably want nothing more than something for them to bond over, even if it's villainy.) Garmadon on the other hand, would be more than happy, knowing that Lloyd would never be as power-hungry and menacing as he was himself.

Either way, I do believe these Lloyds would have way more Oni features, so: purple eyes, tail and horns, more pronounced fangs- all that jazz.

Any other ideas you can think of? I'd love to hear them- this opened up a huge can of worms in my head and I am making no more to close it


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