Chapter 164: The Little Wizard Sees the Great Wizard

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A disciple of Tao is even more angry cheers.

"Foul, this is a foul, learn where to use the character seal."



In the midst of the crowd's angry scolding, Zhong Ling seemed to have guessed this long ago and was prepared in advance. He turned sideways and easily avoided Fu Zhuan's attack.

The change of things is unexpected, and at this time the main seat on the platform of Qixiong, is not good looking to Sue fall star way.

"Su old strange, you this is a little too much?"

But in this regard, Su Luo star is not changing color.

"Competition, it is natural to use all means, Zhao Xin is good at character seal, what can not be used? I did not say that Fu Seal style could not be used before."

This word, Qixiong eyes cold awn flickering, this also need to say? This is like shit is not edible, do you go out every day and someone tells you that this shit is not edible, don't eat it?

Even the representatives of other major forces are shaking their heads in secret, feeling that Luxia Zong's move is indeed a little too much.

But they can also understand the idea of Su Looxing, after all, lost three games in a row, if you lose again, the face of Loxia Zong can be lost today.

Not to mention Sue fall star himself proposed to play, this is not equal to his face to give others to play.

Therefore, Loxia Zong must win this game.

But this method is really a little off the table.

Dao a people are discontented face, have to speak to protest, but has not spoken Zhong Ling, this time suddenly opened his mouth to say, and is to Sue fall star.

"Su Zong Zong, this war you are sure is can display Fu seal style?"

Smell speech, Su Luo star frown looked at the eyes smiling Zhong Ling, always feel this girl a little problem, but Zhao Xin has already displayed Fu seal, at this time he must not hit his own face, can only hard scalp said.

"Did not say in advance, that nature is OK."

A: That's right..............

Zhong Ling nodded in response to Wen Yan, but everyone around her didn't know what she was going to do.

Until the next second, Zhong Ling's hands tied the seal, Zhao Xin's body, suddenly a column of fire shot up into the sky.

This sudden change made Zhao Xin directly dumbstruck, and everyone around him was also stunned.

"The power of Fu Zhuan?"

"Where did Fu Zhuan come from?"

I have never seen Zhong Ling use Fu Zhuan, but where did the power of Fu Zhuan come from now?

Moreover, Zhao Xin is right next to him. This is ridiculous.

Completely without any protection, he was directly swallowed by the flames of Liupinfu Zhuan.

"Damn, when is................?"

Until the last moment, Zhao Xin did not know when Zhong Ling buried the Fu seal characters, and how the Fu seal characters were buried in the ground?

"I forgot to tell Brother Zhao. In fact, my sister also studied Fu Seal style, and it was a small success."

As early as in the battle just now, Zhong Ling had secretly buried a number of explosive Yan Fu under the ground.

In recent times, they have not only been cultivating their Jade female Feng, but also some crooked doors............ These girls have also studied a lot of small methods.

After all, as a monk, this travel, three meals a day, more than a few crafts is always good, more skills do not pressure the body.

Originally was still worried about Zhong Ling, complaining of the way a zong people, this time is also a dumb.

The previous angry shouts have completely disappeared, and one by one, his eyes are staring round, and his mouth mumbles.

"When did this seal style be arranged?"

"Something is wrong, something is wrong with Sister Zhong Ling."

"Not only Master Sister Zhong Ling, but the whole Jade Goddess Peak feels wrong to me."

Four games, the Jade female Peak of these personal disciple means, it is amazing, dumbstruck.

Especially the battle between Zhong Ling and Zhao Xin.

From the surprise attack at the beginning to the following Fu Zhuan, it is not difficult to see that Emperor Lioxizong was fully prepared to win, even if he played with dirty hands.

If other disciples were to play, it is estimated that they might really be Yin.

But as a result, it was completely manipulated by Zhong Ling.

Especially the current Fu Seal style, then Zhao Xin, well, has been defeated.

From Zhong Ling and other people, the disciples only feel strange, which is different from the Jade female Peak before.

On the contrary, the leaders of the peaks in front of them, although they were also full of doubts, soon came back to their senses and began to speak.

"Zhong Ling wench is good ah, is really studied a Fu seal style."

"Yes, yes, the technique used in this character is not far from that of the old husband."

"Baihua teacher sister teaches well ah."

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