Jordan told her she's never been to France, but the French culture, to her was intriguing. She learnt that Valery was fluent in French from visiting so frequently, and being so adamant on learning the language. She loved to watch ballet there, but has no idea how to dance.

"I took classes when I was fifteen, but I just hated it." she told Jordan who watched her speak with admiration and interest.

Jordan told her about her older sister, Maya, who was currently a ballet competitor. Jordan's only ever watched her a small number of times, but couldn't quite forget how elegant the dance looked. It was one of the things that made her admire Maya so much.

"I didn't know you had a sister." Valery said.

"I have three." Jordan told her. "Maya, Liya and Bianca. Maya's eighteen, Liya Thirteen and Bianca, two."

"And then your three brothers?"

Jordan nods.

"Wow. Your parents came to this Earth with a mission." she says, making Jordan laugh. "Is it nice having siblings?"

The question gets her thinking for a second, leaning back on her chair. Valery admired how her nose scrunched in thought.

"I guess. I just don't like having so many people to love."

Valery frowned. "How come?"

To her Jordan seemed like an affectionate person. She could only imagine how she treated people she actually loved.

"Loving alot of people means you have a better chance of getting hurt or losing them. I guess I'm just scared they'll all just start hating me."

"I don't think that's how love works. I think if someone loves you, they can't stand the thought of losing you." Valery disagreed.

"That's only if they truly love you."

"You don't think your family loves you?"

Jordan didn't think anyone loved her. Atleast not truly.

"I don't know what love is, Val."

Her words were honest and vulnerable. So much so that Valery's forehead wrinkled in displeasure.

She didn't know how to pacify her date. Didn't know what words would be considered useful advice. She too, didn't really know what love was. She never really experienced it. The people whom she thought truly loved her were dead, and she was left with an uncle and aunt who cared more about business and their marriage than their godchild.

"Neither do I." she said honestly. "But we'll figure it out together."

She reached her hand out across the table and grabbed onto Jordan's, who looked down at their joined hands and smiled, bringing Valery's hand to her lips to give it a kiss.

"Are you done eating? I've got a surprise."

Valery nodded, curiously lifting from her chair. They got up, leaving their plates for the waiter to take.

"Look down." Jordan commanded.

Complying, Valery looked down where she stood at the trail of rose petals at her feet.

She looked back up at her date, rolling her eyes. "I saw this. Not much of a surprise if I'm not blind."

"Follow it." Jordan smirked.

Valery made an 'O' shape with her mouth, looking back down at the trail, and then walking forward, her sneakers crushing the poor rose petals. Jordan was following behind her, taking the opportunity to admire the girls body from behind.

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