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Breakfast was always chaotic in the Wales household.

Daniel Wales, Jordan's father, a dark skinned fellow, with dark brown eyes (which Jordan inherited) and smooth black hair, cut to be bald, grabbed some bacon off the tray and placed it on his plate. He sat at the short side of the rectangular table as the man of the house, his queen, Lisa Wales, next to him.

Jordan didn't like her father. She didn't like the way he had to be in charge, his word goes and that's that, because he's "the man". She gagged at the very thought. As if he's ever home to father the children he helped make. He believed that a father provides financially and that was that. He needn't do more for his children. If they needed money for anything, he was there. If they needed a hug, count him out.

Of course she had other reasons for her hostile feelings towards him, but those were to be left in the past.

Lisa was the exact opposite. It's true when they say opposites attract. She was a great listener, put her kids first, all 7 of them, and gave them every bit of love and validation they required.

The two of them together created a disciplined and balanced household. When Lisa felt like she wasn't in control she'd turn to Daniel for assistance. All he had to do was look that child's way, and whatever mischief they were up to would cease.

They're oldest daughter, Maya, was 18 years old, a senior in a private school. She was the role model of the house. She got straight A's, won against every school she played chess against, and was the best dancer in her ballet class. She and Jordan shared a mother, unlike the rest of the kids, so they looked more alike. Although, Maya looked a bit more like the youngest, Bianca, who took after their father as well.

Next in line is Jordan. 16 years old, yet in her father's eyes, acts 10. She's the one often asked why she couldn't be more like Maya. She didn't talk as much as Maya, didn't get grades as good as Maya, wasn't as kind to the guests. Basically, in Jordan's words, her father saw her as a disappointment. An utter humiliation and something that belongs in the trash. Of course, that's what Jordan thought. Her father didn't think half those things. Sure, he wished she talked more, but that was it.

Liya Wales, was 13 years old. Lisa's first born child. She'd almost died trying to concieve her. Liya looked more like Lisa. She had her hazel brown eyes and wavy hair. She, out of all the siblings, was the coolest. But that was just Jordan's opinion. And maybe she only thought so because the girl was a little like her. She didn't care about school, or boys, or clothes. She just went with the flow. Like Jordan, except Liya actually had personality and friends.

Jerome Wales, and Jayden Wales, were non identical twins, and Lisa's second borns. Although they looked different, their personality was much alike. They both liked eggs over bacon, waffles over pancakes, and cake over ice-cream. And incase no one caught on, they love food. If they weren't eating, they were playing soccer in the field. Like right now, both of them filled their small plates with as much egg and pancake as they could, which is their favorite combination. And on the side of each of their plates was two toasted breads, which Jordan knew they would spread with jam. For 10 year olds who ate like they did, they were quite skinny. Jordan wondered how their small bodies could accommodate the amount of food they consume in a day.

5 year old Pal Wales, was named by Liya when she 8. Jordan still questions how both parents could allow an 8 year old the honors of naming their son. They could've atleast made it a middle name, and given him a different one. But she guessed that at that point, they'd run out of names, and would go with anything. Pal was currently nibbling on Jordan's bacon, which was on a side plate next to her, while she ate her oats. Pal was a mixture of both Lisa and Daniel. He's skin was light, but his hair was dark black. He took Lisa's eyes, hazel brown, but his fathers personality, stone cold and dominant. Jordan tolerated him for the most part, but tried not to be around him. Although, he felt differently for her, and consistently sat next to her on the table.

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