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What society fails to inform, is that there were pros to being popular. Many, many many pros.

Jordan got used to the stares as the day progressed. And she tolerated the rumors that assumed her and Valery were "a thing". She even tolerated Ian, the boy who snapped her picture earlier, who now found it beneficial to consistently be at Jordan's side.

But either than all those, she skipped the line in the cafeteria. She got her own table to sit in, which was exclusive to her and only her, Ian being the exception seeing as he won't leave her alone.

Everything she did seemed to interest people. She would cough, and tissues would be thrown her way. If she were to say she was craving a chocolate, someone would loot someone else's lunch in search of it, and hand it to her. Not that any of these people genuinely cared about her. They just cared about being the popular kid's friend so that they could have some clout.

If only they knew how much Jordan didn't care for it all. Well, not all.

There was one thing she couldn't deny was enjoyable about popularity, and that was the girls.

Every girl in school seemed to approach her, flirt or throw casual winks her way. Most of them weren't even gay. It was of course, every girl besides Valery and her little "crew".

They were on their own little roll, enjoying the benefits of being known and "loved" by the entire school. She, unlike Jordan, seemed fine with the allegations around her being with Jordan. From what Jordan's heard, she's entertaining them, probably for the clout.

"Jessica Rainfield asked her if you two were together during the summer." Ian said. "And she said, and I quote,"maybe we were, maybe we weren't". And then winked. "

Jordan pretended not to be interested as she took one last bite at her sandwich. Truthfully, she doesn't care what Valery has to say. But she does care if what she has to say involved her. But Ian doesn't have to know that. He'll post about it in his little "blog" thing or whatever.

"So? Were you guys together during summer? People wanna know."

Jordan shook her head, swallowing her food before saying. "I don't fuck with her."

"Are you sure? That's not what happened in the video." he mumbled, earning a glare from Jordan.

"Don't talk about the video."

"Well, the video's why people like you so much. Valery sent it to her class group chat-"

"Wait, what?"

"It was a 'play-once' clip. Nobody has it on their phone...technically."

Not that the information did anything to calm Jordan's nerves. If any one was smart enough to screen record it, it would go all over social media. And then her parents would get involved, and her parents knowing is the worst case scenario.

"How do you know all this?"

Ian smirked. What an annoying brat, Jordan thought. "I manage the school drama blog, there's nothing that goes on around here that hasn't touched my ears."

"So you're saying people saw the..." she paused, taking a deep breath. "video, and then decided they would make me and Valery the center of attention?"

"Yes, but mostly you." he confirmed.

"Why me?"

"Because people have been wondering what's on with you since you stepped foot in this building. You were all mysterious and scary, and did I mention mysterious? And then there were the rumors going on that you were gay, and people seeking confirmation. It's a long story. And after months of that, Valery cleared the doubt with your video. And after that, no one could stop talking about it. "

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