Thirty Four.

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The last girlfriend Jordan's ever had was in 3rd grade. It was barely a girlfriend as much as they were just really close friends. The girl didn't know it, but she was Jordan's first true love. She'd buy her flowers and chocolates, and tell her how much she adored her. Kelly, the girl in question, would tell Jordan how sweet she was, and thank her for all the gifts. She never wondered what the cause of all the affection was, and probably just guessed that Jordan was one of those really affectionate people.

That was until one day, they had a sleep over, and Jordan convinced her to let them French kiss so that they can "learn how to kiss" before either of them get married. Of course as a kid, the poor girl thought marriage was just in a few years, so she was panicked at how she didn't know how. Jordan had learnt from television, and volunteered to help her. After that night, she told her that they further had to 'practice' with each other until they were master kissers.

The girl may not have known it, but Jordan considered her her girlfriend until they "broke up" due to the fact that Kelly's family moved to Asia for her dad's work. It was a tragic break up. It took Jordan 2 years to get over Kelly.

Having a girlfriend much older, or a girl she confessed her feelings to, was odd. It was alot less innocent thoughts, and a lot more wanting to get really really close.

She saw her in the halls, wearing a red dress with a blue Jean jacket and a pair of white converse. She would pretend Jordan wasn't watching as she conversated with her friends. Her giggles would appear more curt, she'd twirl her hair and bite her lip from time to time, aware of the eyes that couldn't seem to move away from her frame.

"...a black belt when I was nine years old. My mom told me to quit, but I wanted to be like Jaden Smith on karate kid, so I refused to give it up."

Ian had been talking since lunch break began, and Jordan had been ignoring him around the same time he started talking. At first because she wasn't interested, and then because she found something, or rather someone more interesting to give her full attention to.

She thought it was hot how Valery pretended not to notice her stares. It gave her a chance to stare longer anyway. The distance they kept was an unspoken mutual decision. Just like Jordan was to keep her hands to herself, Valery was to keep eyes away from her.

Not that everyone was over the whole fiasco at the party. People are still hung up on how both her and Valery came down the stairs flustered, lips swollen from making out.

She watched her potential date run a hand through her black curls, tilting her head slightly so more of her neck is visible.

She sighed, turning away from the sight. One can only indulge in so much of the visuals until they crave the taste.

"Done eye fucking her?" Ian asked. He noticed he wasn't being heard about five minutes ago, and took out his phone to keep busy.

"For now."

He looked up from his phone to Valery, who stole a sneaky glance at his friend, and then he turned back to Jordan.

"You didn't tell me how your weekend went." he placed his phone in his pocket. "How'd your parents react?"

Jordan leaned against the wall next to Ian. "My dad was fine. He gave me punishment though, but I didn't do it. My mom got all protective and wouldn't let me leave the house."

"Is your head fine?"

"Yeah. Just a little cut. Nothing horrible."

"Mhm. And when's the last time you spoke to Valery?"

Jordan hesitated. Her eyes had wandered the room and found Valery again, yet her mind was fully engaged in the conversation. In her peripheral view was Ian gazing at her with suspicion.

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