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She ditched on Miss Tate. Not because she feared confrontation. Her reason was alot more sinister. In her mind, Jordan felt like she was playing something along the lines of hard to get. She was quite fond of Miss Tate. She's a young, beautiful woman. She's got no ring on her finger, and if she does have someone in her life, that was none of Jordan's business.

What does she plan to do with this infatuation? Simple. Nothing.

Nothing out of the ordinary, atleast. Maybe some flirting here and there, a few compliments. Her plan wasn't for Miss Tate to like her. It was for the woman to know that Jordan liked her. This would be done indirectly of course.

Now, Jordan was no expert when it came to women. She's had experience with only about 3 young women so far. But with this little experience she'd read them like a book. She has her hyper vigilance to thank for that.

The best way to get a woman to look your way, or take more interest in you, was to give her mixed signals. Act like you like her, but your mouth says something different. Even though she doesn't like you, she'll feel like you have to like her. And she won't know why she feels that way.

Jordan didn't tell Miss Tate she doesn't like her, but she showed her.

After ditching on her that Tuesday, the rest of the week she spent skipping History and Homeroom. During those periods she'd be smoking in the bathroom, or at the library looking at book covers. She never found any book that interested her.

Right now, she was in the library, with other students who were probably having study. Unlike them, she had her phone beneath her desk and her earpods on while she watched YouTube videos.

One of those students was, of course, Ian Muller. She couldn't quite escape the 9th grader, or the millions of scandals he had locked in his brain, which he would so often spill out to Jordan, who couldn't give 3 fucks if Kelly what's her name overdosed because of her mafia boyfriend, or if Jenny whateverson broke her virginity in the school bathroom and ended up bleeding out.

"The whole bathroom was flooded. I don't think she can ever have kids." he whispered, pretending to read as to mislead the librarian.

"Mhm, interesting." Jordan murmured.

The video she was watching had just come to an end, and those were the first words she heard from Ian's mouth since the last ad break, when he spoke about some girl's foot fungus that had cause her to fake an injury in the field hockey team.

"Tragic." Jordan had murmured. Which had made Ian go off about how the girl deserved it, seeing as she had cheated on two of her boyfriends with their best friend. Jordan had smiled at that one. Girl boss.

"When was the last time you heard from Valery?"

And just like that, her mood flushed. She glared up at Ian, who quickly diverted his eyes to his book.

Jordan sighed. "And why might you ask me that, Ian?"

"Are you sure you even care? Because those edits of Camila Cabello look quite enticing." he pointed at the video that started to play on her YouTube.

Jordan took both earpods off, giving her full attention to the twerp in front of her.

"I've told you before, I don't fuck with her." she answered his question.

"So you haven't been hearing any rumors about..." he hesitated. "her?"

Jordan raises her eyebrows in suspicion, and then shakes her head. "Why do you ask?"

Ian shrugs. "Curiosity."

Jordan groaned inwardly. She knew what he wanted. He wants her to ask her self, so that she seems genuinely interested in the topic. She was curious, yes. But not interested.

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