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Valery had walked a good distance before Jordan caught up. She was aware of the few faces in the halls, that watched her as she followed behind Valery. Some had their eyebrows raised in question. Others gave her knowing smiles. And others simply didn't care.

She payed no mind to any of them. Her focus was on the short, curly headed Latina, who seemed to pick up her pace as she walked to God knows where.

"Valery." Jordan called, when she was losing the momentum to walk any faster.

The girl stopped, turning behind her with a puzzled expression. Jordan jogged the rest of the distance, grabbing Valery by the arm and leading her to a corner away from their nosey peers.

"What? What do you want?" Valery asked. She looked around at their environment. "And why are we in the kissing corner?"

Jordan looked at their surroundings. She'd unintentionally pulled her into one of the schools Makeout areas. Only one of them, there were about 4 more.

This one was at the rare end of the school. No classes were here. And the classes close by were a good distance away, barely used too. The music room was one of these classes, and no one used it. Teachers preferred the dance hall as it was more spacious, and convenient as the dance students and school jazz band would collab quite frequently.

Great. Now people would assume they are making out. That was fine. She hoped the news would spread to Connor.

"What's with you and Connor?" she skipped right to the point.

"You brought me all the way here to ask about my ex?"

Key word; ex.

So she got clarity on that. They did breakup.

"If you're not together, then why are you talking to him?"

"I talk to everyone. I don't see a problem."

Jordan contained her irritation by tensing her jaw.

"You weren't just talking to him. You were talking." she emphasized. "As in you were giggling and flirting and touching."

"And this concerns you, why?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's just your way of getting me to come to your little party."

"How would talking to Connor, or I'm sorry, 'talking' to Connor, influence your decision?" she put air quotes on the word "talking" while emphasizing it as well.

The brown girl went silent, leaning against the wall behind her. It was a cramped space, it was no wonder people chose it. You'd be forced to be close together either way.

She seemed to know her response, yet reluctant to word it. Val had a good idea of what it could be, and boy did her inflated ego inflate.

"You're jealous." She stated, a big smile on her face.

Jordan scoffed. "Yeah, sure. Wouldn't that just make your day."

"It did, because you are." she pressed. "Jeez. I mean I knew you were into me, but not to that extent."

"Valery, get over yourself. Seriously, why the fuck would I even care?"

"I don't know, Jordan. Why do you care?"

Jordan frowned. She hated how Valery was rubbing it in. And she hated how she was right. Of course she's jealous, why wouldn't she be?

Connor bagged her once, she can do it again. And that fact scared the crap out of Jordan. Because she knew she had competition. She's competing for a straight girl, with a straight guy. Honestly, the results are inevitable.

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