Chapter 98: Half Dead Before You Get to the City

Start from the beginning

"You are all pig brains, don't know to walk around the point."

"A group of turtles, Woji, are you fucking looking for death, walking into the army by yourself, don't know to turn a corner? Just go straight ahead with your head stuffy?"

"Cancer clan, face probing character, good, good, you really let this prince Zhang see."

"Spirit shrimp clan, can't you just walk there? Why do you want to go around there?"

Jiao Min did not go to the battlefield, it did not experience how dirty the means of Shen Jianfeng disciples, standing in the rear of it, looking at many aquatic people, only feel that these guys are stupid.

For example, the Jia turtle family that walks in a straight line, they are also ready to cry without tears, who the fuck normal people will be covered with formations in a straight line.

Originally break through a formation, along this straight line, should be safe, for other roads are more dangerous.

But it happened that the people who arranged the formations looked like they were sick. All the formations were arranged in a straight line, and the straight one didn't have any amplitude, like it was measured with a fucking caliper.

Cancer family is aggrieved, they are not the face of the seal.

It has been tested before, and successfully triggered the character seal, which is certainly no problem under normal circumstances.

That's why they just walk up.

But who knows, whoever set this fucking seal set it up in the same place twice, with a separate trigger.

Just now they triggered once, and the other time they didn't trigger.

That's why they look like a fool.

It is completely suffering can not say, they once those experiences, cognition, at this moment seems to be completely ineffective.

No matter what you do, how you prepare, there is no way to avoid these characters and formations.

The more you don't expect, the more you will be hit.

A careless, oh huo, will be the formation method, character seal to cover.

Want to cry but can not cry out, morale is also fell to the bottom.

Finally passed the battle method, Fu Zhuan ambush, good guy, fifty thousand water tribe directly died, only twenty thousand less.

I thought that after breaking through the obstruction of the battle Law, there should be no problem now, after all, Shen Jianfeng's disciples were all wounded.

They will certainly not be able to fight hand-to-hand, even if there are some deviations in the process, but it will not change the final outcome.

"Kill them."

The leading aquarium pride shouted angrily, let us rush through the battle, now let's see what you god Jianfeng has to do.

Including Jiao Min all think so, face again appeared a smile, coldly said.

"Ah, think there are some small means can stop this prince? Shen Jianfeng, you are still too naive. Shoot up and destroy Shen Jianfeng's disciples."

Full of momentum, but the front line of many of the aquarium smell speech but no movement, see, Jiao Min frown, some angry.

"This prince let you kill up, destroy Shen Jianfeng disciples."

When there was still no movement, Jiao Min could not keep his temper. He shouted even louder and angrily.

"You are deaf. This prince told you to rush up and kill the disciple of Shen Jianfeng."

Motionless, many killed under the city wall Shui nationality, still stunned.

Jiao Min is standing far away, can not see the situation on the city wall, but they are now standing below the city wall, see it is a clear.

I thought that what I saw at a glance was a group of sickly disciples of God Jianfeng.

But when they really came here and looked up again, the whole demon suddenly became silly.

What were they standing on the wall?

One is holding a long sword, the blade of the sword is also emitting a cold light, the eyes are full of red, and some even keep licking their lips, a look can not help but saliva.

Even though they were wearing bandages, did you tell them they were seriously injured?

There is a little weak look, the eyes, you just want to eat them alive like.

You say that this is a group of evil ghosts, many aquatic people are likely to believe.

Those previously noisy water pride, also no longer speak.

"That......... Are we still on it? I feel like these disciples of God Jianfeng are going to eat us."

"I don't feel like it anymore. Look at them. Their saliva is dripping."

"Something is wrong, really wrong, there is something wrong with these disciples of God Jianfeng, or should we withdraw?"

"Yeah, it doesn't look like we're hurt. We can't fight this battle. We'd better evacuate."

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