Twenty Six. Yours

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I don't know how I'm managing to stay so calm at such a huge moment in my life

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I don't know how I'm managing to stay so calm at such a huge moment in my life. A moment I've waited for, a moment I wasn't so sure was going to happen because I hadn't found anyone I wanted to share this moment with, until now. Until Harry.

He was sitting on the bed and I could see the wheels turning in his head and I wished I could read his mind right then. When the tears fell down his cheeks I knew this was a big deal for the both of us. I didn't know this side of him existed. The Harry I met that night was a man I never thought I'd see in this light. He's got so many layers and I want to carefully uncover each and every single one of them.

I knew there were parts of him that he didn't feel comfortable with sharing with me yet, I know he has secrets but I am going to show him that none of it matters to me. I know who he is on the inside. He has good inside of him despite his job, despite his surroundings and despite his rejection of the notion that he is inherently good.

"I am working so hard to show you every part of me Harper. I want you to know that. I trust you and I want you to know every single part of me. It won't happen overnight, but I'm working on it ok? The emotion in his eyes proved to me that he meant every single word.

"We've got time Harry. We've got forever." I cupped his face with my hands, showing him that I was grounding myself to him and that he wasn't just floating around alone in this feeling.

"Forever." He repeated before he crashed his lips against mine.

We were caught in an endless sea of feelings, desperate to touch one another and to taste one another with desperate kisses. We were also torn with wanting to savor this moment, these feelings and touch each other tenderly and showing the gravity of this moment and these feelings.

He pulled away from the kiss and he took several deep breaths, laughing a bit in between. "This is all new for me. I've never done this whole thing with feelings before Blue." He laughed.

"I've never done it before at all, how do you think I feel?" And that was all it took to break the seriousness of the moment and for him to wrap me in his arms and we lost ourselves in laughter. He has the most beautiful smile and I decided right then that I wanted to be the one to make him smile like that forever.

His hands traced tiny circles at the base of my spine and in the next moment we were kissing each other softly once again.

"You're perfect." He mumbled against my lips. His words of praise making me feel beautiful and powerful in that moment. He was addicting in every sense of the word.

He pulled me towards the bed and he sat down once again on the edge of the bed, his thumbs running back and forth on my hips, dipping beneath the waistband of my panties every now and then. He placed his lips against the center of my chest and planted a kiss right where my heart is. The heart that now belongs to him.

Soft kisses trail down my stomach and to my left hip and then to the right one. He hooks his thumbs inside the waistband and begins to pull them very slowly down across my hips, down my thighs and to the floor. This is really happening.

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