Four. 5 minutes in Heaven

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Chapter Songs:
This is what you came for/Calvin Harris & Rihanna , I Know Places/Taylor Swift, River/Bishop Briggs, Whatever It Takes/Imagine Dragons

Chapter Songs: This is what you came for/Calvin Harris & Rihanna , I Know Places/Taylor Swift, River/Bishop Briggs, Whatever It Takes/Imagine Dragons

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There is only one thing that's helping me hold on to any sense of calm I may possess and that's sitting across from me on the opposing sofa right now. Yes, he's rude and arrogant and has a chip on his shoulder that I'm not sure anyone could knock off, but there's something there...something he hides but that I've seen a glimpse of. There's more to Harry than meets the eye.

By all accounts the man that's sitting beside me right now is any girls dream. He's gorgeous. He fits the definition of perfection, but there's also something lurking behind his eyes and it's not the same as Harry. I can't put my finger on it yet, but there's something about Antony that frightens me. He's very old school Italian. I could see that when he took us shopping this afternoon. He likes to call the shots, but he makes you think you helped make the decision. He didn't even give me an option to decline his choice for what I'd wear tonight. Last time I checked I was a grown woman who's more than capable of dressing herself.

I would never in a million years have chosen this dress. It's too tight, too short, too revealing. I'm not accustomed to showing so much skin. Maybe if I were thinner I'd feel more confident and comfortable, but tonight I just feel like hiding in the corner.

Antony was sweet and gave me lots of compliments and he keeps trying to touch my legs and constantly has his hand on the small of my back, but I'd rather not be touched at all really.

I can sense the jealousy that Antony has over Harry so I have to be subtle when I glance over at him. The funny thing is, every time I steal a glance at Harry, he's looking right back at me. At first I thought it was just my imagination, but after so many times you realize it's not a coincidence. It's funny because Logan is oblivious. She wouldn't dare imagine that the most gorgeous man in this room would be looking at me.

I'm the only one in our group who's never slept with a guy. I was always so wrapped up in school that I never indulged in bars and one night stands. I wanted my first time to mean something as cliche as that sounds. I wanted to be in love I guess, I know that sounds stupid.

At this moment I'm trying not to have a freak out because I'm imagining how bad this would be if the cops busted this little party. I'm an attorney and the fallout would be huge, especially for a woman. Of course attorneys do blow and are engaged in all sorts of illegal activities, but the truth is, we don't know these people very well. This could all end very badly.

Logan just did a line like it was second nature to her. Brynn is smoking a joint, which is no big deal to me and I'm pretty sure it's legal here. Antony has just done a line, no big surprise there. As the tray stops at Harry he holds his hand up to decline.

"Let's go dance!" Logan squeals as she reaches for my hand. I tell her no and she's pouting like a child. "Harp we always dance together, let's go!" She attempts to get me up again and I decline again.

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