Epliogue II Harry's ending

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"Hold her head

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"Hold her head. Gently Simon, you've got to be extra careful with her." I smile as I watch my son hold his baby sister for the first time.

My wife was a rockstar and watching her give life to another one of my babies was just as miraculous as our first go round.

Simon Alister Emerson was born in the early morning hours of May 26, five years ago. A handful from the start I couldn't believe we'd waited five whole years to bring a sibling into the world for him. Simon is such a handful he occupied so much of our time in those toddler years we devoted all of our time and energy to him. Mum says he's exactly like me. God help us.

As much as Simon is my clone I hope and pray that his little sister Alexis Anne Emerson is going to be her mother's clone. Abigail is an absolute angel and we deserve an angel of a daughter after bringing my clone into the world.

Five years. It had been five years since I married Abigail and it had passed like a thief in the night. Marrying her, having babies with her, undoubtedly the best decision I've ever made.

I watch Simon with his sister and it makes my heart swell with pride and happiness. He's already obsessed with her. God help any boy that hopes to date this girl, between Simon and I he doesn't stand a chance.

"Let me take her Simon. She's getting fussy, it's time for her to be fed." I scoop Annie out of her brothers arms and take her over to Abigail, planting a kiss on my wife's forehead and then my daughters. These girls are my world. As much as I love my son I am obsessed with spoiling this little girl. Why shouldn't I? Simon is attached at the hip to his mother so it's only fair that Annie becomes my little love. Daddy's girl. Oh how she's going to be spoiled.

Whereas Simon was born in London, his sister was born in Anguilla. We definitely don't have the conventional married dynamic. Just as planned we spend the summers in England and the typical cooler months in Anguilla where it's always warm and usually sunny. It's eternal sunshine and by God we deserve it.

I wanted my wife to live in light and sunshine and eternal love after having spent far too long in darkness. Watching her thrive has been my pleasure. Being her husband has been my every wish come true.

"Did you get the manuscript sent in? I know we've had a lot going on." She laughs as she breastfeeds Annie.

"I did. You just gave birth 24 hours ago and you're occupied with whether I met my deadline. Unbelievable my love." I sit at the chair by her bed, Simon climbing onto my lap. God I'm gonna dread the day he's too big to do this anymore.

"Someone has to stay behind you. I have to be on top of things with you." She says.

I raise my eyebrow at her and give her a half smirk, half smile; biting my words back only because little ears are present.

"You're something else." She laughs, shaking her head.

"Are you complaining?" I ask.

"Never. You're not going to whine this time are you?" She teases.

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