Nineteen. Wedding Day and Daydreams

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Chapter Songs: You and I/Rita Ora, Lose Control/Teddy Swims, Trustfall/Pink, Secret Garden/Molly Parden, Tony Anderson , Burning Desire/Lana Del Rey There's a loud, pounding noise and I swear it's coming from inside my head

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Chapter Songs: You and I/Rita Ora, Lose Control/Teddy Swims, Trustfall/Pink, Secret Garden/Molly Parden, Tony Anderson , Burning Desire/Lana Del Rey
There's a loud, pounding noise and I swear it's coming from inside my head. Opening my eyes is impossible at this moment. Drinking almost an entire bottle of bourbon after midnight probably wasn't my best idea. I remember not being able to sleep and I remember Harper and I having a talk after I'd had too much to drink.

Speaking of Harper, I don't need to open my eyes to know that she's who is curled up against me. I remember bringing her in my room and I remember putting her in my bed which is something I probably wouldn't have done completely sober. I don't share my bed with anyone and no one spends the night in my bed. I guess there's a first time for everything however.

I hear the pounding once again and Harper stirs beside me. She's wearing silk and it feels heavenly against my skin. She feels heavenly in my bed.

"I think someone is at the door." She says. Her words bring me completely to my senses and the pounding resumes.

"Fuck." I jump up out of bed, grabbing my phone and breathing a sigh of relief to see there's no message from Antony. It's only 7:30 in the morning and way too early for this shit. It's then that I hear Brynn's voice outside the door as she knocks again. I could care less that I'm only wearing boxer briefs as I stalk through the living room area of the villa. I know I look worse for wear but I could care less. I open the door just as Brynn has raised her hand to knock on the door again.

"Oh." She says, taking in my full appearance. My full appearance which includes a morning situation going on that I have zero control over. Serves her right for waking me this early in the morning.

"Can I help you Brynn?" I ask. My voice sounding rough and full of sleep still. She brushes past me into the villa.

"Where's Harper? We are supposed to spend the morning together." Brynn says as she looks around, trying to be inconspicuous but I know what she's doing.

"You do realize it's seven fucking thirty in the morning don't you?"

"I'm an early riser and by the looks of it you are too." She laughs.

"Clearly." I fold my arms in front of me.

"I'll just go wake her. " Brynn starts to head towards Harper's room. The room she's not in.

"She's not in there." Brynn turns and looks at me and gives me a curious look. She walks over to me and motions for me to take a seat on the sofa. Reluctantly I do so.

"Harry, I'm not blind and I'm not dumb. I just want you to know that Harper is my best friend in all of the world and her recent behavior has not been normal. I don't know what exactly is going on, but I know something is going on. Can I say something and it be kept just between us?"

I nod my head as an indication for her to continue.

"I don't like Antony. He gives me a bad feeling and he's all wrong for Harper."

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