Eighteen. Calm Before The Storm

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Chapter Songs: Believer/Imagine Dragons, She/Harry Styles, Delicate/Taylor Swift, Dress/Taylor Swift

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Chapter Songs: Believer/Imagine Dragons, She/Harry Styles, Delicate/Taylor Swift, Dress/Taylor Swift

Harry looked like someone out of a magazine. His hair hanging perfectly and I'm sure it required zero effort on his part. He somehow managed to find time to paint his nails a vibrant shade of blue and the neck kerchief he has on is so European. God I'm glad Logan isn't here.

We arrive at the venue and Brynn shows me to my seat. She had crossed out Antony's name and written Harry's name in instead and that made me laugh. Harry takes his seat beside me and I'm immediately handed a glass of wine. Harry doesn't accept any wine and I notice him being hyper aware of our surroundings right now. He's been on edge since he saw Zayn. There's more to this story, I'm sure of it.

Brynn's fiancé Hunter is a nice guy and he will be a good husband to her, his best friend is another story. I've never cared for Hunter's best friend Dalton who's also the best man for this wedding. Dalton tried several times to get me to go on a date with him but I've said no each time he asked. Something about him just doesn't sit well with me. He's very arrogant and forceful and I can tell from the smug look on his face right now that he's in the mood to play his stupid games.

We exchanged hellos when Harry and I sat down and I noticed Harry eyeing him suspiciously. He appears to be already somewhat intoxicated and that's never a good thing for someone who's naturally an ass anyway. He begins by trying to make small talk with me and luckily Brynn steers the conversation back to herself and Hunter and the wedding. Harry seems so tense beside me and he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a quarter and begins to twist it back and forth between his fingers all the while he never takes his eyes off of Dalton. This must be a nervous habit of his or some way to calm himself down and focus.

"So the boyfriend isn't here tonight? Was looking forward to meeting him once I heard you had one from Brynn." Dalton laughs a little, making me uncomfortable. I'm not sure if it was him that was making me uncomfortable or the fact that he referred to Antony as my boyfriend, probably a bit of both.

"You'll meet him tomorrow." I reply flatly.

"Hunter says he's some rich guy that you met in New York? Who's this anyway?" Dalton's eyes go to Harry's who still hasn't removed his from the jerk seated across from us.

"I'm none of your concern." He says, interrupting me before I can introduce them. Dalton chuckles, clearly enjoying knowing he's pushing Harry's buttons a bit.

"Ok then mister serious." Dalton holds his hands up in a defensive position, clearly poking fun at the situation. Harry continues to twirl the quarter between his fingers.

"Harry does security for Antony." Brynn intervenes.

"Security? So like a bodyguard?" Dalton narrows his eyes at me, obviously intrigued with this entire situation.

"Something like that." I mutter quietly. Dalton laughs loudly, almost doubled over in laughter.

"A bodyguard? Here? For you? What kind of trouble does he think you'll get into on this island with us? That's hysterical." He talks through the laughter, having a good time at my expense.

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