Twenty Seven. Mine

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Floating. I felt like I was floating, suspended in mid air where everything felt like a dream. The most wonderful dream that I never wanted to wake from. I opened my eyes to find the star of my dream curled up around me and I breathed a sigh of relief that it had in fact, been real. She was here. She was mine.

The first glimpses of the sun were starting to appear through the cracks in the curtains and I smiled at knowing that last night had been real. I had surprised myself by being so soft and gentle with her, but it wasn't hard to do with her because that's just how she is. She makes me want to be someone completely the opposite of who I've been for years now. She makes me want to be better.

I feel her stir slightly beside me and I kiss her temple softly. A smile comes across her face and she stretches her arms above her head.

"Good morning." She says softly.

"Indeed it is." I can't stop the smile that forms across my face. Everything feels lighter today. Happier. I'm happier. Happy hadn't been something I'd felt in a very long time. "How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Amazing. Ready for another date night." She laughs and buried her face against my chest.

"We are so done for Harper." I laugh along with her.

"How so?"

"By tasting the forbidden fruit, it's just made us crave it even more." I admit.

"What a problem to have huh?" She laughs once more, it's music to my ears.

"Absolutely dreadful."

"You sound so British right now." She traces the swallow on my right side with her fingernails.

"Baby, I am British."

"I know, you just sound extra British today." She laughs. "Tell me about where you're from." She props her head against her palm as she looks to me for answers.

"Not much to tell really. Really small village, not much to do. It was a lovely place to grow up. Haven't been there in years. It's probably exactly the same as when I left."

"What were you like as a child?"

"Hmmm....good student, followed all the rules, loved to read." I recall my days in Holmes Chapel. My days as William.

"So how did you turn into such a rebel and become such a bad boy?" She laughs.

"That's a long story. One I'll tell you one day, just not today." I kiss her nose and slide out of bed to walk to the bathroom.

"Are you avoiding this discussion?" She follows behind me, still wearing my shirt and underwear.

"No ma'am. Wouldn't dream of it." I chuckle. "Tell me about your childhood Blue." I wanted to hear about her, also selfishly to distract her from making me the topic of discussion.

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