In Good Company - Chapter 30

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Y/N and Asuka had meandered their way back home after their first date out. It was weird thinking that was their first date considering how long ago they actually confessed, but it went very well. They did all the things you usually do on a first date... Y/N thought. He didn't really know considering his lack of love life before Asuka, but from what little he picked up from botched movies and sappy love dramas the date went rather smoothly. Apparently Asuka had more planned but Misato beckoned them back to the apartment for a late evening hangout with people from NERV+ (which was the fancy name Y/N gave NERV and Kaji and Mari's little organisation). Misato, Shinji, Asuka and Y/N would be there, of course, but also Rei, Ritsuko, Kaji and Mari and a special guest Misato seemed excited about. Y/N could only dread to think of who that could be.

Y/N - "We're back- woah, who's cooking?"

Shinji - "Who do you think?"

Shinji stood next to the stove, gently tending to a boiling pot of goodness. Misato on the other hand was on a mission; she strode past the two of them in the doorway, hanging up some loose decoration and picking up what must've been her twentieth beer can or so while sheepishly depositing them into a rubbish bag.

Misato - "I tried cooking myself but... uh..."

Asuka clocked the dark burn mark that was now staining the side counter of the kitchenette. 

Asuka - "Misato! How did you even do this!?"

Misato - "I'd like to call it skill. No one can burn a kitchen quite like I can!"

Y/N started picking up rubbish too, grimacing at the sheer volume of cans that littered around the place.

Y/N - "No one can drink quite like you can either..."

Misato - "Watch it L/N, I'm your boss now."

Y/N - "Go on then, fire me."

Misato spun around to complain but stopped, grumbling under her breath as Y/N snickered at her. Misato was incredibly stubborn sometimes, but logic came before all that deep down. There was no way they could get rid of Y/N.

Y/N - "What time is everyone over?"

Misato - "Ten minutes or so."

Asuka - "Ten minutes!? I've gotta get changed! Think you could give us more warning next time!?"

She sprints off into their room, slamming the door shut as Misato calls after her.

Misato - "You look great by the way!"

Asuka - "T-Thank you!"

Y/N took off his jacket, placing it over a chair and sighing deeply. He didn't realise how much walking up that mountain took out of him.

Shinji - "How did your date go?"

Y/N - "Well, very well. We went to a lil café and then Asuka dragged me up a mountain blindfolded."

Misato - "Kinky."

Y/N - "God forbid what you and Kaji did in your youth-"

Misato - "HEY! WATCH IT!"

Y/N chuckled leisurely as Misato loosely threw an empty beer can at him. She was very easy to wound up. It almost reminded him of Asuka when they first met. Or Asuka now actually depending on what mood you caught her in. Y/N sidled up to their bedroom door and gently knocked.

Y/N - "Are you decent?"

Asuka - "Huh?"

Y/N - "I'm coming in Susu."

Your Angel or Your Devil - Asuka Langley x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now