Hunted - Chapter 15

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Y/N had slowly healed across the week. What started out as a painful and long wait turned into a well-rested and enjoyable couple of days off. Y/N was joined by Asuka for essentially every minute, chatting, watching TV, cooking and eating, even sleeping. They had managed to grow even closer than before. Having actually come to terms with his feelings, Y/N had managed to push down his nervousness so that Asuka didn't catch on. Even if she did like him, which to be honest was a strong possibility, he didn't want to make it weird or scare her off.

Y/N was back at NERV HQ, waiting around and doing nothing in particular as he did most days. Honestly, he had no idea what they needed him in for all the time-

"Y/N L/N to see Mr Ikari effective immediately."

The intercom blasted out over the hall the pilots were sitting in, causing everyone else on their break to turn and stare.

Y/N - "What, something on my face?"

Asuka - "Oooooo, you're in big trouble now Sparky~ We only get called to Mr Ikari's office when we've messed up."

Y/N - "Thanks for the warning, I'll be on my best behaviour."

Asuka - "You better be. Don't go getting fired now!"

Rei - "It shouldn't be anything too serious. I doubt they would get rid of you."

Y/N - "Well if you don't hear from me in the next ten minutes or so I've been sacrificed and it's been nice knowing all of you."

Y/N marches off, his nerves slightly raised from Asuka's comment. Eh, she was probably just messing with him. The other day she tried to gaslight him into forgetting how to pronounce "Misato", insisting that the emphasis was in the I instead of the A. It was a heated discussion.

Y/N walked his way through NERV towards Gendo's office. It sat at the very top of the facility, overlooking the hangers holding the Eva's below it with a vast window. Apparently, Gendo spent a lot of time overlooking the facility. Whether it was obsession or pride, it was weird. Y/N strode up to the door and knocked on it, not stopping until it flew open. Gendo himself stared down at Y/N, grimacing already.

Gendo - "Come in, L/N."

Y/N skipped into the room, throwing himself onto a spinning chair and looking around the office.

Y/N - "Nice place you've got here, sir. Is this where all the money goes?"

Gendo - "This is a serious matter L/N, I expect you to treat it as such."

Y/N - "Oooooo, I'm spooked. And I'm hooked. Spill the beans then, big man, what's up?"

Gendo sighs as he sits down across his desk, taking out some sheets of paper and handing them over to Y/N.

Gendo - "You've been tracked. Someone knows about you, someone involved with Project Mercury. Either another survivor or some outsider that helped fund it, we aren't truly sure. However, they managed to trace you here to Japan. Only we know about you're existence; not even the public understand your origins. They just assume you're a result of us. This person is a huge risk for us."

Y/N froze, looking over the papers he had been passed. Blood tests, chemical analysis, comparative data... all linked to him. Of course. He was near death when he escaped Mercury's main facility. If someone managed to get to him just before or after EURO did, then his blood could've been fresh... but who?

Y/N - "How did you get these"

Gendo - "I have many contacts across Japan. This was filed as suspicious when asked to be mailed, and after seeing it had to do with you, it was sent to us at NERV. Ritsuko checked it over. Whoever did this research knows their stuff."

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