Two Evils - Chapter 34

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Asuka and Shinji had been tasked with transporting Gold alone in what looked to be a rather flimsy glass container across rural Japan for up to three days or so. To say that nothing could go wrong would be hilariously foolish. Asuka had gotten changed into her plugsuit, albeit begrudgingly, and stomped her way back to the hanger that Unit-02 was being stored in. As soon as the synchronisation was all set (which was a very rushed process this time around) she slumped in her seat, folded her arms and groaned in frustration to no one in particular. Was she seriously not able to see Y/N? Or even know if he was okay? The thought that he was hurt and alone was driving her mad. Unfortunately, Shinji broke her brooding silence over the comms.

Shinji - "A-Asuka? Are you there?"

Asuka - "Ugh, of course I'm here! I don't have a choice, do I?"

Shinji - "Well, I've just received information that Gold is on his way up to us now. Apparently in company with a lot of damage control and security guards."

Asuka - "So there's enough security to transport his unconscious body up here, but clearly not enough to join us on this stupid important mission? UGH!"

She threw her arms in the air exasperatedly, going straight back to folding them as Shinji spoke up again.

Shinji - "U-Um... Asuka..." 

Asuka - "Whadya want, idiot!?"

Shinji - "I-I know you're worried about Y/N, and I am too. But we need to focus on this mission right now. If this goes to plan, we may never need to worry about Gold again."

The problem that was eating away at Asuka's mind reared its ugly heady again. Y/N would not rest until Gold was dead. Not locked away, not exiled, not even completely powerless. Dead. She knew exactly what he wanted to do. If he knew that Gold was still alive, he would go track him down and kill him himself, or die trying. 

Asuka - "... yeah yeah. Just don't mess up or anything. The sooner this is over with the better."

Y/N has managed to reign in Asuka's fury across their time together. Asuka would've typically ended that conversation with a lot of swearing, yelling and belittling at Shinji, but she recognised this was out of his hands too; they were both in the same boat, as it were, for this mission.

A few minutes later, the doors to the hanger opened and a test-tube like container was wheeled in, containing a chained, shackled and bound unconscious body. Asuka unknowingly tightened her grip around her controls. The man in there caused so much pain, suffering and torment. Especially to Y/N, probably the first person she's ever truly loved. And now he was getting off free of charge? Just a slap on the wrist? Maybe Y/N was right...

No. No! Asuka took a deep breath and reconsidered. She had never thought about... killing someone before. Or at least not felt nearly as inclined as she did with Gold. What would the world lose if he died? Surely the benefits outweigh the negatives. Surely. Y/N wasn't an idiot, and he definitely doesn't just go around killing whoever he wants. Not anymore, at least. He wanted Gold gone for a reason. Not just because he was dangerous, but also because of the threat he posed to all of humanity. Maybe if he... died, then the angels will stop attacking too. He controls them, doesn't he? They would finally have peace. They could finally live again.

Asuka's thoughts were cut off as the test-tube clinked into place, gently rocking Unit-02 as the machinery placing it retracted. Sirens blared as the liquid surrounding their Eva's drained and she and Shinji were moved over to the lifts. Maybe if it was just the two of them and Gold, she could...

Maybe the lack of backup was a favour in disguise.

Misato limped into the hospital, talking to staff when she needed to and being directed to Y/N's room. He seemed to spend an unfortunate amount of time in here.

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