An Investigation - Chapter 6

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Asuka was unsure how she was feeling. Following Y/N's impressive demonstration and single-handed takedown of an Angel, she was left feeling... conflicted. Conflicted and tested. She had been piloting since she was 10. Eight full years of experience. She had taken down unimaginable threats with absolute confidence. She was a great pilot. One of the greatest. Maybe even the greatest. 

But then there's Y/N.

Y/N wasn't a pilot. She had no idea how long he'd trained for. She had no idea if he earned his powers. To be honest, she didn't care. Anything she had done up to this point felt so insignificant it was impossible to put it into words. This guy showed up yesterday. He has now been thrown up in everyone opinions and views in under two minutes. He had saved the city in under a minute. Not a single scratch on his body. Unphased, completely unphased. She had to take breaks, hell even catch her breath. It didn't look like he even exerted any energy at all. How did he work? What was his secret? What WAS HE?

Currently, Asuka was laying in her bed back at Misato's apartment. Y/N was in, doing god knows what. Shinji was also in doing god knows what. Misato was out finishing up some work at NERV HQ. General PR about the Angel attack. Well, attack is used lightly. It didn't even do anything. It didn't have a chance.

Her fists were clenched. Her heart was pounding. What was this feeling? It wasn't fear, she knew what fearing Y/N felt like, this wasn't it. It couldn't have been admiration, just hearing Y/N's name sent Asuka into an angry spiral. Unless it... it was... no, don't be stupid. It was probably anger. Yeah, he had outshone her significantly, and it pissed her off. There was no way she was feeling all sappy over Y/N of all people.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a light knocking on her door.

Y/N - "Asuka? I made some food, come grab some if you're feeling hungry."

She chose not to respond, listening to him walk off into his room and then suddenly stop, turn, and dash out of the front door. Huh, what was he doing? Curiosity got the best of her as she slowly slid open her door. He was gone, alright. Probably went to grab a drink from a vending machine nearby or something. She found herself glancing over to his room. Well... he is out. He's got to be hiding something. Like he's juicing up on something to make him stronger. Did drugs like that even exist? Ugh, whatever, she had to find something. 

Asuka silently made her way into Y/N's room. Clean, very clean. This took Asuka by surprise; she assumed Y/N's room would've been in a state knowing the guy himself, but here it was almost spotless. He had a desk on the left wall, with a monitor and computer set up. Huh, didn't know he had that, noted. He also had a couple things in frames. She walked over, picking one up. It was some sort of official form. Something about... an orphanage? Did Y/N lose his family? Next to it was a framed picture of younger him. She could tell it was him, though he did look different. Much happier, for starters, but he had shorter hair, less muscular physique, stuff like that. He was wearing a weird uniform, it looked almost military involved. Next to the photos were some pills. Aha! Evidence. She scooped up the capsule containing them happily, spinning it around scanning for a label. Citalopram? Desvenlafaxine? What were these? A bit more looking over them gave her her answer: antidepressants. Guess trauma would do that to you. She places them down, trying her best to make it look like they rested undisturbed

Asuka moves on from the desk, seeing his bed up against the other wall. Similarly to her, he had a blow up futon. She didn't get how people in Japan slept on the floor. Seems he doesn't either. His bed looked really comfy though, he had a couple of plump pillows and thick duvet. Hmm... he is out. He wouldn't know if she...

Asuka climbed into Y/N's bed. Maybe his sleeping situation give hm more energy or something. Yeah! That's why she was doing this, not for some weird reason. Not at all. It was super comfortable. Really cosy. This has gotta be his secret. She rolled around a little bit, looking at his bedside table to see another capsule of pills. Diphenhydramine. Sleeping pills. Dammit. So this wasn't his secret. She laid there for a little while longer, soaking in the feeling. Huh, it smelt like him too... ugh, what was she doing? Asuka sprung out of Y/N's bed, making it up again to look as if she hadn't touched it.

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