Humanity - Chapter 11

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"Y/N, Asuka-! Oooooh my~"

Misato had thrown open the door, discovering Y/N asleep in Asuka's arms. Said arms were wrapped around him, tightly cradling him towards her chest as she laid there happily. They were totally cuddling. Asuka shrieked as Misato discovered them, prompting Y/N to fly awake, fold and fumble off of Asuka and off of his bed onto the floor with a thud. He stood up with incredible speed, saluting Misato with a flustered expression. Asuka quickly followed suit, jumping up to join him in their embarrassed salute.

Misato - "Sorry to interrupt smooching time, but we've got an Angel on our hands. Get ready, people!"

Y/N - "Huh? Wha? S-s-smooching t-time-?"


Asuka stomped off, dragging Y/N by the scruff of his neck so that he couldn't see how intense her blush was. Misato would most definitely not let this go. Y/N had shot awake in an instant, taking off his jumper and throwing it over a nearby chair.

Y/N - "Meet you out there, yeah? That is if you get there before I've totally trashed it, hehe!"

Y/N sprinted out the front door, vaulting over the balcony leading to the apartments and flinging himself into the sky with a burst of his signature gold energy. Asuka watched him go longingly before she turned to grabbing her plugsuit for Unit-02. Shinji dashed around her too. grabbing his stuff as quickly as he could as Misato finished her beer can and threw on her uniform.

Asuka couldn't help but be nervous. Not about the Angel, she had no fear of those things anymore.

But for Y/N. 

He had just poured his soul out to her. Is he really in the best place to fight right now? Especially after what he told her about going berserk. She couldn't let that happen. For his sake. 

Misato - "C'mon lovebird, we're going~!"



Y/N landed at NERV HQ, stumbling slightly as he sprinted out of his landing and into the building. Luckily he had now essentially memorised the route to the Monitor Room. He was sprinting, nervous. Asuka had to be feeling the same way. After his harrowing conversation with her, he knew he was in no mental state to fight. What if he lost control again? He couldn't risk that, especially with Asuka, Shinji and Rei in the battle with him.


What would he do if he hurt one of them?


What would everyone think


Y/N was shaken from his thinking by Rei herself, who was now running alongside him to the Control Room.

Y/N - "Oh heya Rei, didn't expect to hear you shout, haha-"

Rei - "I need to speak with you, Y/N."

Oh great. Another serious conversation?

Y/N - "What, now?"

Rei - "Yes."

Y/N - "Sorry Rei, I'm kinda busy working. As are you, actually. Can we talk after-"

Rei - "No. I must speak with you now."

Y/N - "Rei, I understand it's probably important, but-"

Rei grabs Y/N by his shirt and, with surprising force, throws him into a nearby storage closet, which she joins him in. They both pant, not realising how out of breath they were from running. The warning alarms were still blaring outside the small room. Rei lets go of Y/N apologetically, looking at him intensely with her signature blank stare.

Your Angel or Your Devil - Asuka Langley x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now