Bedridden - Chapter 14

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Y/N - "Ugh this sucks."

Asuka - "Stop complaining."

Y/N was tucked into his bed, as he had been for the past few days, and not allowed to move or do anything outside of sleep, wake up and talk. Luckily he had the company of either Asuka, Shinji or Misato. Mostly Asuka, who had convinced NERV to also given her the week off to help take care of Y/N, but Misato and Shinji helped out when Asuka was called in for paperwork about the fight or what have you, much to her dismay.

Asuka, despite her sometimes spikey exterior, was actually quite the pleasant nurse. She'd walk in at nine in the morning sharp each day, open the curtains, shake Y/N awake, check Y/N's temperature, provide him his meds and water and sit down with him for the day, making polite conversation, bringing him lunch, 'subconsciously' moving her hand or leg on top of Y/N's, sneaking glances at him as he drifted in and out of sleep. He was able to catch up on some of the sleep he was loosing nightly now he was stuck in bed. Asuka still snuck into his room most nights to share the bed, claiming it was a comfort thing and nothing else, which Y/N seemed to accept smugly. She knew he enjoyed it too. Y/N would wake up from nightmares pretty often, resulting in him leaving to grab a drink or pacing around the room for a short while. Asuka felt bad that she couldn't really do much, but he claimed that he had started sleeping better recently, which made her feel better.

Y/N - "What time is it?"

Asuka - "Time for you to shut up and take your meds."

Y/N - "But I don't wannaaaaaaaaaa..."

Asuka - "Don't complain or I'll force them down your throat."

Y/N - "Hehe, is that a promise~?"

Asuka held back her blushes as she gave Y/N his glass of water, selecting the pills he needed to take before cupping them over his mouth and holding his glass to his lips.

Y/N - "I can do this myself y'know..."

Asuka - "I know, but it makes me feel powerful doing it for you."

Y/N - "Yeah yeah."

He drank down his meds and sighed slightly. Asuka placed the glass down and looked at him with a concerned expression.

Asuka - "What's got you all down?"

Y/N - "I hate being bedridden. Makes me feel super useless."

Asuka - "You just essentially single-handedly took down that Angel! You should be proud, you deserve the rest."

Y/N - "What's got you all... up?"

Asuka - "Huh?"

Y/N - "You seem in a really good mood. All this time spent with me rubbing off on you, huh?"

Asuka rolled her eyes at him, but he was totally right. Being able to spend the full day with Y/N while caring and comforting him felt really great.

Asuka - "Ugh, you wish. I'm just enjoying the time of work."

Y/N - "How about you get to work on getting some rest yourself? You look awful."

Asuka - "Hey, have some respect!"

Y/N - "Ah, my bad. You look terrible. Honestly, I can handle myself, you should rest up a bit."

Asuka - "I don't think so, you're sitting still. Doctor's orders."

Y/N - "Eh fuck doctor's orders, my order's are for you to lie down and let me take care of you for the day."

Asuka's face grew a deep scarlet. Having Y/N take care of her for the day sounded... really great...

Your Angel or Your Devil - Asuka Langley x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now